Problem with treetop gem

Hi, I’m getting this when I try to gem install the treetop gem:

benjohn # sudo gem install polyglot
Successfully installed polyglot-0.2.0
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for polyglot-0.2.0…
Installing RDoc documentation for polyglot-0.2.0…
benjohn # sudo gem install treetop
ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
OpenURI::HTTPError: 404 Not Found reading


     <title>404 Not Found</title>


     <h1>Not Found</h1>

     <p>The requested URL /gems/facets-2.3.0.gem was not found on

this server.


benjohn #

… which is a shame, because it sounds extremely cool!


On Feb 18, 3:15 pm, Benjohn B. [email protected] wrote:

Hi, I’m getting this when I try to gem install the treetop gem:

Not really a problem with treetop, except that it relies on facets,
and facets seems to be AWOL:

C:>gem install facets
Updating metadata for 141 gems from

ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
OpenURI::HTTPError: 404 Not Found reading | your community gem host
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    <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en"



      <title>404 - Not Found</title>



      <h1>404 - Not Found</h1>



Phrogz wrote:

On Feb 18, 3:15 pm, Benjohn B. [email protected] wrote:

Hi, I’m getting this when I try to gem install the treetop gem:

Not really a problem with treetop, except that it relies on facets,
and facets seems to be AWOL:

Ah, thanks - I dug a little deeper after posting (not so much dug, more
brushed the light layer of sand aside and saw what I should have seen
before asking), and sussed out the same.

So, anyone know what’s up with the facets gem (the below happens for me
on OS X too)? …

C:>gem install facets
Updating metadata for 141 gems from

ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
OpenURI::HTTPError: 404 Not Found reading | your community gem host
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

     <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"



     <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en"



       <title>404 - Not Found</title>



       <h1>404 - Not Found</h1>

