Problem with Sending attachments

def send_mail(person,textarea,subject,attachment_id)
recipients person.email1
cc person.email2

from  "some email address"
subject subject
content_type "text/html"
body      textarea

unless attachment_id.nil?
  @attachment = Attachment.find_by_id(attachment_id)
  filename = @attachment.filename.rstrip
  attachment @attachment.content_type do |a|
  a.filename = @attachment.filename
  a.body =“c:\inetpub\event\public\data\#{filename}”)

Hello Above is the code for sending attachment.

  1. Whenever i send an attachment, the attachment does not open in the
    recepients inbox.The recepient gets an exclaimation mark at the end of
    the filename in the attachment.

  2. Also my email text (i.e body of the email) is in html format that
    does not appear in html format. If i remove the attachment part and set
    the content_type to “text/html” then the text appears in html format.
    But i want to send text in html format and also the attachment.

I believe there is something wrong with the way i have written
Can anyone please help me.

Thank you.