In my form I have these items:
<%= select_year,
:start_year => Schoolyear.get_startdate.year,
:end_year => Schoolyear.get_enddate.year %>
<%= select_month %>
No matter what I do, in my controller I can’t seem to access the
selected year and
I have tried params[:month].to_s and also params[:date][:month], plus
anything I could come up with, but so far no success.
Does anybody knows what I am doing wrong?
oom tuinstoel wrote:
In my form I have these items:
<%= select_year,
:start_year => Schoolyear.get_startdate.year,
:end_year => Schoolyear.get_enddate.year %>
<%= select_month %>
No matter what I do, in my controller I can’t seem to access the
selected year and
I have tried params[:month].to_s and also params[:date][:month], plus
anything I could come up with, but so far no success.
Does anybody knows what I am doing wrong?
Have you tried:
If there is invalid input (Feb 30th) you’ll need to catch that by doing
this in your controller:
@myobject =[:myobject])
# Catch the exception from AR::Base
rescue ActiveRecord::MultiparameterAssignmentErrors => ex
# Iterarate over the exceptions and remove the invalid field
# components from the input
ex.errors.each { |err|
@params[:myobject].delete_if { |key, value| key =~
/^#{err.attribute}/ }
# Recreate the Model with the bad input fields removed
@myobject =[:myobject])
if the date field is required, just put validates_presence_of
:start_date in the model and it will catch the invalid input.
Was this any help?
Andrew S. wrote:
Was this any help?
No Andrew, sorry. I guess I didn’t state my problem correctly. I have a
view where I want the user to select a year and a month, and in my
controller I will do some work for the chosen year and month. The year
and month however are not in the db. So I read in AWDWR that I then have
to use select_year and select_month. The view is working, but I can’t
get to the variables. Thanks anyway.