Problem with scaffold

Ive created a new rails app, alongwith the dev database, model and
controller(admin)…when i use scaffold an error pops up -
NameError in AdminController#index
uninitialized constant Dy

Im clueless…please help

Sandip Gangakhedkar wrote:

Ive created a new rails app, alongwith the dev database, model and
controller(admin)…when i use scaffold an error pops up -
NameError in AdminController#index
uninitialized constant Dy

You haven’t provided nearly enough detail for anyone to be able to help
you. Post a step by step description of what you did, what happened, and
what you expected to happen.

Oh, and posting your question a second time because you didn’t get an
answer the first time is considered bad form.

Pete Y.

Here is a step by step route i took:

  1. rails materials
  2. mysqladmin -u root create materials_development
  3. created model named Die
  4. modified create_dies migration and raked it
  5. created controller Admin
  6. added scaffold :die