Problem with ruby + mysql on windows


I’m having a problem to conect and use ruby to performe some operations
with a mysql database. I downloaded the gem mysql 2.7.3 (win32) and
added the windows path with mysql bin and mysql lib entries.When a try
to execute the script below an error occurs, with a message:

Error in the entry of procedure mysql_stmt_row_tell in lib LIBMYSQL.dll?

in the code:

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘mysql’

m =“localhost”,“user”,“pass”,“database”)
r = m.query(“SELECT * FROM table”)
r.each_hash do |f|
print “#{f[‘camp1’]} - #{f[‘camp2’]}”

Could you help me, please?



Error in the entry of procedure mysql_stmt_row_tell in lib LIBMYSQL.dll?
googling for that error message yielded
mysql_stmt_row_tell and libmysql.dll error for Instant Rails | Forward
does that help?

another error happened:

ruby mysql2.rb
998: Acesso inválido ao local de memória. (Invalid Access of memory
location) -
from mysql2.rb:2
Exit code: 1

The code are the same.

Thank’s for your interest Roger!

Roger P. wrote:

Error in the entry of procedure mysql_stmt_row_tell in lib LIBMYSQL.dll?
googling for that error message yielded
mysql_stmt_row_tell and libmysql.dll error for Instant Rails | Forward
does that help?

maybe try a different version of the mysql dll?

Error in the entry of procedure mysql_stmt_row_tell in lib LIBMYSQL.dll?


how can I know the right version of library I shoud use?

Roger P. wrote:

maybe try a different version of the mysql dll?

Error in the entry of procedure mysql_stmt_row_tell in lib LIBMYSQL.dll?

Thank’s again!

My code runs in your machine… puts!

mysql Ver 14.12 Distrib 5.0.27, for Win32 (ia32)

humm my number version is bit different…

I’ll try to install another version of instant rails or install the
stack at begining (ruby, mysql, rails, not istant rails).

Thank’s so much Roger!

Roger P. wrote:

Bruno M. wrote:


how can I know the right version of library I shoud use?

Roger P. wrote:

maybe try a different version of the mysql dll?

Error in the entry of procedure mysql_stmt_row_tell in lib LIBMYSQL.dll?

Thank’s again!

For me with your gem, I have
“c:\program files\mysql…\bin” in my path, and
version 14.12 Distrib 5.0.45 [from running mysql --version]
installed and the code that you posted works. That’s with XP so maybe
that’s a factor.

Bruno M. wrote:


how can I know the right version of library I shoud use?

Roger P. wrote:

maybe try a different version of the mysql dll?

Error in the entry of procedure mysql_stmt_row_tell in lib LIBMYSQL.dll?

Thank’s again!

For me with your gem, I have
“c:\program files\mysql…\bin” in my path, and
version 14.12 Distrib 5.0.45 [from running mysql --version]
installed and the code that you posted works. That’s with XP so maybe
that’s a factor.