But when I do these steps I get another output as expected.
rails console
Loading development environment (Rails 3.2.8)
irb(main):001:0> p = Post.new(:content => “A new post”)
=> #<Post id: nil, name: nil, title: nil, content: “A new post”,
created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
irb(main):002:0> p.save
(0.1ms) begin transaction
(0.1ms) rollback transaction
=> false
irb(main):003:0> p.errors.full.message
NoMethodError: undefined method `full’ for
from (irb):3
Where I expect this output :
p = Post.new(:content => “A new post”)
=> #<Post id: nil, name: nil, title: nil,
content: “A new post”, created_at: nil,
updated_at: nil>
=> false
=> [“Name can’t be blank”, “Title can’t be blank”, “Title is too short
(minimum is 5 characters)”]