I’ve got a problem, I’m trying to get the new nginx passenger module
(phusion.nl) to work with some rewrite rules.
The cache files for a multisite app (mephisto) are located in
I want to rewrite the following:
/ → /cache/example.com/index.html
/about/ → /cache/example.com/about.html
/images/fu.jpg → /cache/example.com/images/fu.jpg
my rules are basically as follows (inside the server block):
This works fine if the cached files exist, however, if they don’t in
which case the passenger module should forward the request
to the actual app, it doesn’t.
The app doesn’t get any request… and I don’t know why…
Jan Faber wrote:
No, that should be an entirely different issue.
In Nginx you need to redefine ‘passenger_enabled on’ in all location
blocks, otherwise Nginx will disable Phusion Passenger in that block.
Thanks a lot for the quick reply (from the man himself no less :-).
Excuse my ignorance, I’m just getting started with Nginx. So far, I like
it, the conf syntax is a breath of fresh air after years of Apache. Docs
on the combi Nginx/REE are a little light compared to the extensive
Apache docs though.
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