Problem with migrations in Rails 2.1


I’m trying to migrate to sqlite3 and I get this error:

syntax error, unexpected ‘\n’, expecting tCOLON2 or ‘[’ or ‘.’

I’m running OS X 10.5 on an Intel mac. I’ve installed the sqlite
gem. I’m not sure what’s going on here. Any ideas?



On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 7:54 AM, Ron [email protected] wrote:


I’m trying to migrate to sqlite3 and I get this error:

syntax error, unexpected ‘\n’, expecting tCOLON2 or ‘[’ or ‘.’

I’m running OS X 10.5 on an Intel mac. I’ve installed the sqlite
gem. I’m not sure what’s going on here. Any ideas?

Is there more context? Like a file and line number where that happens?

Can you post the code that is throwing the problem? Hard to diagnose
this without it :slight_smile:

  • Derek

I had the same problem. It was a problem with scaffold-

The scaffold was creating in the migration file statements of the

t.string, :title

which should be

t.string :title

The developers have probably fixed it by now. This is just fyi for
other people encountering this problem.


Hi sorry,

The code causing the problem is the auto generated migration from the
generate scaffold command in Rails 2.1.0.

Gladwright wrote in post #709136:

I had the same problem. It was a problem with scaffold-

The scaffold was creating in the migration file statements of the

t.string, :title

which should be

t.string :title

The developers have probably fixed it by now. This is just fyi for
other people encountering this problem.


This isn’t a bug–it’s an operator error. If you are thinking Ruby
instead of shell, you might end up doing this at the command line:
rails generate scaffold User name:string, email:string
instead of this:
rails generate scaffold User name:string email:string

The comma gets incorporated into the migration, and the migration bombs
because of it.