Problem with large number of inputs

Hi all,

I’ve used to have a block with large number of inputs, say 24, but I
GNURadio has a problem with memory allocation because when I use the
it’s suddenly jump out of the program with

“The program has unexpectedly finished.”

(the above message isn’t for GNURadio)

However, when I decrease the number of inputs to 8, it’s fine and works

This is so strange to me.

Any idea?



Hi Mostafa,

indeed, this sounds strange.
However, with but the information you offered, it will be hard to
determine what goes wrong.

Would you have more information, e.g. when exactly this happens, is this
C++ or python, do you have source code, in which code line the error
occurs (hint: [1])?


follow the gdb instructions

Hi Marcus,

You’re right. I didn’t clarify the problem.

Actually in C++, I wrote:

block_impl::block_impl(bool normal, int group)
: gr::block(“phich_grouping”,
gr::io_signature::make(1, group * N_FS(normal), sizeof
gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(gr_complex))),

// N_FS function returns 8 or 4 depends on its input.
// in the work function :
// d_normal and d_group are defined in the .h file

const gr_complex *in[d_N_phich_group * N_FS_phich(d_normal_cp)];
for (int i=0; i<d_group * N_FS(d_normal); i++)
in[i] = (const gr_complex *) input_items[i];

when I set the “group” value to 3, the number of input ports would be
In this case, I want to access to one element of “in” like this:

cout << " in " << in[0][0] << endl;

I got the aforementioned error!

But when I set “group = 1” which means 8 input ports, all things are

any idea please,


Having your complete general_work function wouldn’t have hurt my
understanding much…

I really can’t make out what you’re trying to do without doubt.

Anyway, from the code below I think “in” must at least have the same
number of entries that your for loop has iterations; did you just try

d_group * N_FS(d_normal) instead of d_N_phich_group *
N_FS_phich(d_normal_cp) when allocating your array?
It seems to me that having two ways to determine how many inputs there
is a likely cause for mistake. Use the size() of the input_items to
determine how many inputs you really have, and assert(input_items.size()
== number_of_inputs_like_I_calculate_it); to make sure things line up.

Also, the whole process seems unnecessary, since you do nothing more
than copying the pointers from input_items to in; the typecast is
nothing but syntactic magic and can be done by having “in = ((const
gr_complex*)*) input_items;”; also, I encourage you to use the C+±style
explicit cast operators (in this case, reinterpret_cast<>) for their
clarity, but that’s more a question of personal liking :slight_smile:


Thank you for your notes Marcus,

As you said this is unnecessary process to point to the input_items in a
for loop!!
However, this is not the problem because I checked that I have the same
number of iteration in the for loop as the number of input ports.

The problem is somewhere else. Again I must mention that if I use, only
input ports, the code runs perfectly,
however, with 24 inputs, it does
something wrong! (perhaps pointing to somewhere in the memory which is
allocated to the input as it seemed to allocated to the input!). In
words, when I want to access the first input of the first input port, I

gr_complex **in = (gr_complex) input_items;

// for example
cout << in[0][0] << endl;

The program terminated with unexpected error!

Please help me, where is the problem?? :frowning:

On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 4:21 AM, Marcus M. [email protected]

As I said, you should use the gdb debugging approach to find the
gr_complex **in = (gr_complex) input_items; shouldn’t compile, because
the types are incompatible.

I can’t help you any further with the information you’re offering.
Please share at least your complete general_work method, and the methods
that you use to calculate the input numbers. I stand by my opininion
that beauty lies in simplicity. If you want to make sure you don’t do
more “for” iterations than you have inputs, iterate over the number of
inputs (input_items.size()) and not something you calculate yourself.
That’s the simple approach of eliminating error sources.

Also, you’re using a gr::block. If you play around with the forecast
method, you might trigger situations where you are asked to produce a
number of output items on different output streams, and have zero input
items on some input streams; I don’t see you check for that in the code
excerpt you were sharing.
Again, it isn’t very useful to share only a portion of your block,
especially when you are very sure yourself that this portion is correct,
if you want help identifying what goes wrong.

With best regards,
Marcus M.

I forgot to say, I’m using Qtcreator to debug my GNURadio codes I do not
need any others!

The prgram is terminated at line in which I read from the input for the
first time i.e. :

y_p[i][k] = 0;
for (int j=0; j<N_FS_phich(d_normal_cp); j++)
y_p[i][k] = y_p[i][k] + in[i*8+j][k];


On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 4:05 AM, Mostafa A.
[email protected]

Yes you’re right about casting between “in” and “input_items”, however,
think this problem is somehow related to the large number input ports! I
don’t why!

Here is the whole block:

#include “config.h”

#include <gnuradio/io_signature.h>
#include “phich_grouping_impl.h”

int N_FS_phich(bool normal_cp){
return 8;
return 4;

namespace gr {
namespace my {

phich_grouping::make(bool normal_cp, int N_phich_group)
  return gnuradio::get_initial_sptr
    (new phich_grouping_impl(normal_cp, N_phich_group));

 * The private constructor
phich_grouping_impl::phich_grouping_impl(bool normal_cp, int

: gr::block(“phich_grouping”,
gr::io_signature::make(N_phich_group *
N_FS_phich(normal_cp), N_phich_group * N_FS_phich(normal_cp) ,
gr::io_signature::make(1, 1, sizeof(gr_complex))),


 * Our virtual destructor.

phich_grouping_impl::forecast (int noutput_items, gr_vector_int

for (int i=0; i<d_N_phich_group * N_FS_phich(d_normal_cp); i++)
ninput_items_required[i] = 12;

phich_grouping_impl::general_work (int noutput_items,
                   gr_vector_int &ninput_items,
                   gr_vector_const_void_star &input_items,
                   gr_vector_void_star &output_items)
    const gr_complex *in[d_N_phich_group * N_FS_phich(d_normal_cp)];
    gr_complex *out = (gr_complex *) output_items[0];

// in = (const gr_complex *) input_items;

    cout << "n input   " << input_items.size() << endl;
    int phich_in_len[d_N_phich_group];

    int x = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<d_N_phich_group * N_FS_phich(d_normal_cp); i++)
        in[i] = (const gr_complex *) input_items[i];

        // reading tags
        vector<tag_t> tag_len;
            phich_in_len[i] = pmt::to_long(tag_len[0].value);


    gr_complex y_p[d_N_phich_group][12];
    gr_complex y__p_tilt[d_N_phich_group/2][12];

// cout << "\tin[0][0] "<<in[0][0] << endl;

    if (x == d_N_phich_group * N_FS_phich(d_normal_cp)) // x ==

d_N_phich_group) is for checking all the input tags are read
// grouping …
for (int i=0; i<d_N_phich_group ;i++)
for (int k=0; k<phich_in_len[i]; k++)
y_p[i][k] = 0;
for (int j=0; j<N_FS_phich(d_normal_cp); j++)
y_p[i][k] = y_p[i][k] + in[i*8+j][k];



        // adding tag

        cout << "PHICH grouping" << endl;


    {   // if tags didn't read
        produce(0, 0);


} /* namespace my /
} /
namespace gr */

Input to this block is a random source and its output is a file sink. I
would be glad to see the comments on the code to improve it also finding
the problem.

Mostafa A.

On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 10:10 PM, Marcus M.
[email protected]


I do not think you have truly run the complete codes using Qtcreator,
because that doesn’t have a gnuradio runtime (the scheduler).
At the other hand, your problem sounds more like a c++ coding error
than gnuradio-specific.
The helpful approach is

1). Put up the OOT into github.
This should be the simplest but complete OOT.

2). Provide a big picture of what you try to accomplish.
From experience many amateur programmers write codes wrong from
ground up, and yet expect others to troubleshoot.
When this happens, the only way to help is to start with the big
picture of what you wish to accomplish.

From previous experience you refused to reveal the big picture but
emphasize others to look at your existing buggy codes.
Please be reminded that this is an open forum and nobody get paid for
helping you.

On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 7:39 AM, Mostafa A.
[email protected]