I am developer in new startup and Nginx is important part of whole
system. Generally it is great load balancer, has many interesting
modules and configuration possibilities but I have one serious problem
which I cannot solve.
Problem is that Nginx for each request collects the whole body of
request and only after that sends request next to backend. I know that
I can theoretically use upload module to omit that issue but we have
got own part of code to handle uploads in way that we need (which must
not be supported by module in load balancer). That issue is big
problem for us because in current load balancer implementation data
from client is unnecessarily “cached” on load balancer (load
balancer’s hard drive in fact) and then send to backend instead of
instant streaming from client by load balancer to backend. Main
problem is lower performance (requirement of fast storage on load
balancer servers) and additional requests latency, it is really
noticeable especially for big files.
My question is: is any chance for adding feature of instant data
streaming of request body to backend? If chance is real can we expect
feature implementation soon? I think that it is useful functionallity
and can be used by many Nginx users.
On Jan 5, 2012, at 1:48 PM, Tomasz Roda wrote:
got own part of code to handle uploads in way that we need (which must
streaming of request body to backend? If chance is real can we expect
feature implementation soon? I think that it is useful functionallity
and can be used by many Nginx users.
By instant data streaming do you mean generic L4/TCP load balancing or
still some form of a L7/HTTP load balancing with additional controls for
headers and request/response, and with efficient handling of concurrent
What are the other roles of your nginx setup aside from load balancing
to the backends?
2012/1/5 Andrew A. [email protected]:
balancer servers) and additional requests latency, it is really
I mean a L7/HTTP load balancing. We need additional handling of
requests by Nginx for HTTPS (backend applications operate on HTTP
requests), access logging, passing requests to proper backend
applications basing on URL, x-accel-redirect, etc.
On Jan 5, 2012, at 4:27 PM, Tomasz Roda wrote:
which I cannot solve.
problem is lower performance (requirement of fast storage on load
What are the other roles of your nginx setup aside from load balancing to the
I mean a L7/HTTP load balancing. We need additional handling of
requests by Nginx for HTTPS (backend applications operate on HTTP
requests), access logging, passing requests to proper backend
applications basing on URL, x-accel-redirect, etc.
There’s some work planned towards this direction (allowing to avoid
buffering from the client), mostly to facilitate websockets stuff. But
probably will turn out to be a generic “unbuffered L4/L7” load
balancing. There’s no ETA, though and it’s probably a three months