Problem with "Hello World Program"

Hey I am new to RoR. I used Dan Benjamins install. Installing MySQL
and RoR using the terminal.

I made two files. One the controller, called say_controller and than
I made a views file, called hello.html.erb

Instead of getting “Hello, world!” I get

SyntaxError in SayController#hello

syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting kEND

Any ideas?

I am keen to get coding.


On Jan 23, 10:06 am, agrinshtein [email protected] wrote:

Instead of getting “Hello, world!” I get

SyntaxError in SayController#hello

syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting kEND

Any ideas?

It probably is just a syntax error like a stray or missing ‘end’. Hard
to say without seeing the controller code though.


Here is the controller code.

class SayController < ApplicationController
def hello

I just copied and pasted from “Agile Web development with rails.”

On Jan 23, 1:13 pm, Frederick C. [email protected]

put another end after def hello

you may not have the sqlite3 gem installed.

sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby

also make sure you run your migrations

rake db:migrate

then you should be good to go.


It is working. The only thing is, is there any way to configure it
with MySQL. Is there any reason to do that?

The default database for Rails apps was changed from Mysql to Sqlite.
Thankfully, it’s quite easy to switch your DB:

If you are starting a Rails project from scratch, run your rails
command like so:
rails -d mysql myapp

If you want to switch an exisiting project from Sqlite to Mysql:
set adapter to “mysql” in your config/database.yml file.

Hope to help,
Jason Arora

Did that. Now I get another error.

MissingSourceFile in SayController#hello

no such file to load – sqlite3

It is possible that is the case because I set RoR up with MySQL,
following Dan Benjamins tutorials.

Any ideas how to connect it with MySQL or should I connect it with
SQLite. Not that I know the difference.

Thanks for your help guys.