Getting error messages when using the german letters ä,ö,ü,…, e.g.
def show
@title = “Über uns” <-- I had to modify to “Ueber uns”
does anyone know how to overcome this issue ? thank you.
Getting error messages when using the german letters ä,ö,ü,…, e.g.
def show
@title = “Über uns” <-- I had to modify to “Ueber uns”
does anyone know how to overcome this issue ? thank you.
What error messages are you getting and where ?
which version of Ruby and Rails are you running ?
def show is in a controller, I assume ?
Are you using ruby 1.9.2 with Mysql (via mysql gem)?
any help here ? thank you.
Here is what I’m getting:
C:/Rails/hopp/app/controllers/pages_controller.rb:16: invalid multibyte
char (US-ASCII)
C:/Rails/hopp/app/controllers/pages_controller.rb:16: syntax error,
unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting keyword_end
@title = “�ber”
C:/Rails/hopp/app/controllers/pages_controller.rb:16: unterminated
string meets end of file
C:/Rails/hopp/app/controllers/pages_controller.rb:16: syntax error,
unexpected $end, expecting keyword_end
I’m using Rails 3.0, Ruby 1.9.2, sqlite3.
Add the magic comment:
to the top of your source file
Klaus-dieter Gundermann wrote in post #956115:
Add the magic comment:
encoding: UTF-8
to the top of your source file
Thank you.
What do you mean by “top of your source file” ?
The error says that the source is
The source of your template was:
C:/Rails/app/views/pages/wir.html.erb, which has the following text:
# encoding: UTF-8
<%= image_tag("raum.jpg", :alt => "Studio Logo",
:class => "round") %>
<%= image_tag("willkommen.png", :alt => "Studio Logo",
:class => "round") %>
<% balance hei�t der neue Raum f�r ... %>
So I did put ‘# encoding: UTF-8’ at the top of that file (as you can see
above. Still same issue.
Any idea ?
On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 4:23 PM, Dani D. [email protected] wrote:
<%= image_tag("willkommen.png", :alt => "Studio Logo", :class => "round") %> <% balance hei�t der neue Raum f�r ... %>
So I did put ‘# encoding: UTF-8’ at the top of that file (as you can see
above. Still same issue.Any idea ?
no the error is here
def show
@title = “Über uns” ← I had to modify to “Ueber uns”
in the controller
put the comment on the first line of the controller, it should be the
On Oct 23, 12:49am, Dani D. [email protected] wrote:
Yes, the text you mention is from the original part mentioned above, but
in the meantime I have changed the text from “ber uns” to Ueber uns".
So that now I have the problem in the above text mentioned text. Of
course I can change the text form e.g. ->ue, ->ae,… (which I have
done so I can go on developing.
I did put the → # encoding: UTF-8 in the controller, but same thing.
Does your text editor support UTF-8? Are you saving the file as
UTF-8? I guess the file encoding and comment specified in the “magic
comment” must match.
jEdit is a text editor I know of with very good encoding support.
Radhames Brito wrote in post #956354:
in the controller
put the comment on the first line of the controller, it should be the
Thank you.
Yes, the text you mention is from the original part mentioned above, but
in the meantime I have changed the text from “Über uns” to Ueber uns".
So that now I have the problem in the above text mentioned text. Of
course I can change the text form e.g. ü->ue, ä->ae,… (which I have
done so I can go on developing.
I did put the --> # encoding: UTF-8 in the controller, but same thing.
William D. wrote in post #956507:
Does your text editor support UTF-8? Are you saving the file as
UTF-8? I guess the file encoding and comment specified in the “magic
comment” must match.jEdit is a text editor I know of with very good encoding support.
Thank you for your response.
I don’t understand exactly what you mean by ‘editor support UTF-8?’, I
type those characters ä,ü,…, and how is it related to the problem I
have with the program ?.
Would appreciate any help.
Thank you.
Yes, the text you mention is from the original part mentioned above, but
in the meantime I have changed the text from “ber uns” to Ueber uns".
So that now I have the problem in the above text mentioned text. Of
course I can change the text form e.g. ->ue, ->ae,… (which I have
done so I can go on developing.
I did put the --> # encoding: UTF-8 in the controller, but same thing.
then the error message is misleading and the error is something else,
try to
check if there is something wrong with code above this line that may be
making rails think that is the error
Great, thank you all especialy Will & Marnen, you are right, my editor
was not set to utf-8 encoding. Now it is working !. Thanks for not
giving up.
Have a nice week,
Dani D. wrote in post #956895:
William D. wrote in post #956507:
Does your text editor support UTF-8? Are you saving the file as
UTF-8? I guess the file encoding and comment specified in the “magic
comment” must match.jEdit is a text editor I know of with very good encoding support.
Thank you for your response.
I don’t understand exactly what you mean by ‘editor support UTF-8?’, I
type those characters ä,ü,…,
Yes, but what encoding are you saving the file in? You should be saving
the file with the UTF-8 encoding. Your editor should provide a feature
to set the encoding. If it does not, get a different editor.
and how is it related to the problem I
have with the program ?.
Simple: if the encoding is different from what Rails expects, then the
characters will come out incorrectly.
An encoding is simply a mapping that says “when you see 0x0041, that
represents ‘A’.” Files are just stored as byte sequences, so both the
reader and writer have to know what the encoding is in order to make
sense out of the file.
If this is hard to understand, you need to review some basic information
about text encodings.
Would appreciate any help.
Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]
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