Problem with FolderBrowserDialog


I have an interesting problem that I can¹t work out.

I have a GUI app that uses FolderBrowserDialog. It works fine when I run
from the command line with ir.

When I embed IronRuby in an app, the browse window comes up, the ok,
and make new folder buttons are there, but the actual browse
is missing. It¹s just blank where the browse bit should be. This is how
called IronRuby from the app:

ScriptRuntime irruntime = IronRuby.Ruby.CreateRuntime();

        ScriptEngine ir = IronRuby.Ruby.GetEngine(irruntime);

        ScriptScope scope = ir.CreateScope();

        ScriptSource script = ir.CreateScriptSourceFromFile(script);


I seem to recall that the actual folder brower is implemented via COM,
and that you probably need an [STAThread] attribute on your Main method.

From: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Robert R.
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 8:01 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [Ironruby-core] Problem with FolderBrowserDialog


I have an interesting problem that I can’t work out.

I have a GUI app that uses FolderBrowserDialog. It works fine when I run
it from the command line with ir.

When I embed IronRuby in an app, the browse window comes up, the ok,
cancel, and make new folder buttons are there, but the actual browse
functionality is missing. It’s just blank where the browse bit should
be. This is how I’ve called IronRuby from the app:

ScriptRuntime irruntime = IronRuby.Ruby.CreateRuntime();

        ScriptEngine ir = IronRuby.Ruby.GetEngine(irruntime);

        ScriptScope scope = ir.CreateScope();

        ScriptSource script = ir.CreateScriptSourceFromFile(script);


That was it. It works now.