Problem with daemons gem

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I’m using daemons gem with Rails in addition to daemon_generator plugin.
I’m getting this output in the daemons log file:

Logfile created on Sat May 09 20:10:35 -0700 2009 by /
-below you find the most recent exception thrown, this will be likely
(but not certainly) the exception that made the application exit
abnormally ***
#<NameError: uninitialized constant SmsMessage>
-below you find all exception objects found in memory, some of them may
have been thrown in your application, others may just be in memory
because they are standard exceptions ***
#<NoMemoryError: failed to allocate memory>
#<SystemStackError: stack level too deep>
#<fatal: exception reentered>
#<MissingSourceFile: no such file to load –
#<NameError: uninitialized constant SmsMessage>

I’m finding very hard to make sense from this output. It’s displaying
different error messages and I can tell it’s not it’s not the
./config/global_constants.conf issues because I don’t call it inside the
daemon file. Plus I don’t think it’s a memory issues as my Mac has 2GB
of memory and not many programs running. as for the SmsMessage I’m
calling it normally using:

scheduledMessagesParent = SmsMessage.valid.find(:all, :conditions =>
{:status => $SCHEDULED_MESSAGE})

which works elsewhere in my website!! I noticed that the logger is
called using "…

Is it possible I have to specify my model’s path in another way? I
normally call the logger using without the need for
ActiveRecord::Base. If so how to do that?

Any ideas how to go about debugging this problem? is there a way to
display stack trace or better error messages?



On May 10, 8:04 pm, Tam K. [email protected] wrote:

I’m finding very hard to make sense from this output. It’s displaying
different error messages and I can tell it’s not it’s not the
./config/global_constants.conf issues because I don’t call it inside the
daemon file. Plus I don’t think it’s a memory issues as my Mac has 2GB
of memory and not many programs running. as for the SmsMessage I’m
calling it normally using:

Are you requiring the rails environment ?
