Problem with compilation

I’m totally newbie at Ruby. What is wrong whit this code

class Hexagrid

@@grid = [%w{ 0 1 2 3 }, %w{ 4 5 6 7 }, %w{ 8 9 A B }, %w{ C D E F


def initialize
    @stacks =

def parse( string )
    while string =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*\{([^\}]+)\}\s*;?\s*(.*)/

        output = ''
        stack = @stacks[$1] ||=
        data = stack[:data] ||=
        pointer = stack[:pointer] ||= [0,0]

        $2.split(//).each do |c|
              if c == '>' then pointer[1] += 1
           elsif c == '<' then pointer[1] -= 1
           elsif c == 'v' then pointer[0] += 1
           elsif c == '^' then pointer[0] -= 1
           elsif c == '!' then pointer = [0,0]; data.clear
           elsif c == '+' then data.unshift

elsif c == ‘o’ then output << data.join
string = $3
return output.reverse

def english( string )
    return parse(string).scan(/.{2}/).collect{ |tuple| tuple.hex.chr


hex =
while not $stdin.eof?
puts hex.english(gets)

I’ve got D:\NetBeansProjects\InterpreterHexagrid\lib\main.rb:33:in
parse': undefined methodreverse’ for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from D:\NetBeansProjects\InterpreterHexagrid\lib\main.rb:37:in
from D:\NetBeansProjects\InterpreterHexagrid\lib\main.rb:43

The input string in parse has to match your regex before output exists,
however the function will attempt to reverse and return output

hmm ok but how to fix it? :slight_smile: I don’t know ruby langauge, i need only
this interpreter to compile hexagrid file

ok, the error disappeared but for input
i should get Hello but the while loop never stop

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 5:16 PM, Ma Sz [email protected] wrote:

hmm ok but how to fix it? :slight_smile: I don’t know ruby langauge, i need only
this interpreter to compile hexagrid file

Move output = ‘’ to before the while loop.

Its more like the while loop never runs cause your input doesn’t match
regexp (thats the reason you get your first error).

2011/3/11 Ma Sz [email protected]

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 5:30 PM, Ma Sz [email protected] wrote:

ok, the error disappeared but for input
i should get Hello but the while loop never stop

It appears that you’re dealing with an esoteric language called
Hexagrid: Hexagrid - Esolang

And the Ruby-based interpreter you’re using is from:

I used the “hello world” script given on the wiki page, and it worked
fine. Perhaps you have an error in your Hexagrid code. Did you compose
that code yourself, or did you get it from somewhere else?

In particular, and this is just from skimming the Hexagrid wiki page,
you can’t do anything unless you define a stack, e.g. “stack{…};”.
Also, I don’t see any indication in the wiki page or the interpreter’s
code that [ or ] have any meaning in the language, but you use them
near the end.

Ok, thanks for help :slight_smile: It didn’t wokr only with Neatbeans. I siwtched to
Linux and run the script using console. It works fine :slight_smile: