Problem with assert_redirected_to

I have taken over some old Rails code and am trying to get the tests to
In the functional test every time the assertion ‘assert_redirected_to’
called I get the following error:

NoMethodError: undefined method `[]’ for








It doesn’t matter what I do with the parameters to assert_redirected_to
always get the same error.

Anybody encountered this before?

Rails 2.0.2, Ruby 1.8.7 (2009-06-12 patchlevel 174) [i686-darwin10.0.0]

On Feb 19, 9:37 am, Peter H. [email protected]

I have taken over some old Rails code and am trying to get the tests to run.
In the functional test every time the assertion ‘assert_redirected_to’ is
called I get the following error:

Rails 2.0.2 isn;t compatible with ruby 1.8.7 - Rails 2.1 is the first
version that was.


Damn I had that feeling, some of the code (and probably all the tests)
dragged in from a 2.1.1 project.

Thanks. I will have to look into upgrading the project.