Hi all I have a problem with a small project I am working on.
I use putty tools to do the ssh stuff (net-ssh/scp) doesn’t work because
of bad ssh server on the target.
Anyway here is the code I made so far.
cmd = [“pcapdump -cleanup”, “pcapdump -start -size=500”, “pcapdump
-stop”, “pcapdump -write”]
#Loop throu the commands
i = 0
until i == 2
command1 = %x[plink.exe -P #{port} -pw #{pw} #{user}@#{ip} “#{cmd[i]}”
< yes.txt]
i += 1
#This is to get the file names
command3 = %x[plink.exe -P #{port} -pw #{pw} #{user}@#{ip} “#{cmd3}”]
#Grab the file names for downloading and store them in a array
output = command3.scan(/"([^"]*)"/)
#Count the items in the array
puts output
howmany = output.count
#Fetch the file’s
i = 0
until i == howmany
file = output[i]
download = %x[pscp.exe -P #{port} -pw #{pw} #{user}@#{ip}:#{file} .]
#download = system(“pscp.exe -P #{port} -pw #{pw}
#{user}@#{ip}:#{file} .#{file}”)
puts file
puts download
i += 1
now when I run it I get [] surrounding variable file.
So I put in some puts to se what the variable is:
scp: [If1.cap]: No such file or directory
scp: [If2.cap]: No such file or directory
When the pscp command runs the [] shows but not before or after.
How can I remove them?
On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 7:41 AM, fox foxmaster [email protected]
until i == 2
howmany = output.count
When the pscp command runs the [] shows but not before or after.
How can I remove them?
I do not have a solution handy but the first thing I’d do is replace
with invocations of system() or IO.popen() where all arguments are
individually. That avoids weird effects and errors from parsing all
arguments out of a single string. You have them separately anyway.
command1 = %x[plink.exe -P #{port} -pw #{pw} #{user}@#{ip} “#{cmd[i]}”
command1 = IO.popen([“plink.exe”, “-P”, port.to_s, “-pw”, pw,
cmd[i]]) {|io| io.read}
and since you do not use the output
IO.popen([“plink.exe”, “-P”, port.to_s, “-pw”, pw, “#{user}@#{ip}”,
cmd[i]]) {|io| io.each {|line|}}
Also, your looping is overly complicated and not how we do it in Ruby
usually. The first loop should be
cmd.each do |c|
IO.popen([“plink.exe”, “-P”, port.to_s, “-pw”, pw, “#{user}@#{ip}”,
{|io| io.each {|line|}}
Kind regards
On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 11:06 AM, fox foxmaster
[email protected]wrote:
so beautiful simple.
I have modified it a bit to see what values I have in the variables, but
the output is abit strange:
I store output in a array, so I wounder is a array item always
surrounded by [item]? Is it possible to show the download in another
format not IO:0x… more like the actual command?
Well, you can use
{|io| io.read}
instead of
{|io| io.each {|line|}}
but that will only give you the output from pscp. And apparently that
contains [] because it’s an error message. You probably want to look at
the other variants of popen to properly evaluate the result code of the
external command and react appropriately.
That was a sweet bit of code, I have scripted some in bash and thats
maybe why the looks like it does .
But I have applied the “ruby” style to the code as you suggested and it
works good for this part:
cmd.each do |c|
command1 = IO.popen([“plink.exe”, “-P”, port.to_s, “-pw”, pw,
“#{user}@#{ip}”, c]) {|io| io.each {|line|}}
so beautiful simple.
but when I get to the part where I want to download the files I get
output.each do |f|
download = IO.popen([“pscp.exe”, “-P”, port.to_s, “-pw”, pw,
“#{user}@#{ip}:f”]) {|io| io.each {|line|}}
puts f
puts download
I have modified it a bit to see what values I have in the variables, but
the output is abit strange:
I store output in a array, so I wounder is a array item always
surrounded by [item]? Is it possible to show the download in another
format not IO:0x… more like the actual command?