I thought I’d give the acts_as_attachment plugin a try. So I follow
the tutorial on this page:
and it looks like everything installed fine. So I fired up Webrick and
tried to upload an image (I changed it from dvd_covers to book_covers,
but otherwise no changes.)
When I select my image on the New page, and click create I get an error:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound in Book coversController#show
Couldn’t find BookCover with ID=0
Parameters: {“id”=>“0”}
An item is added to the database with id=1, and the file is “uploaded”
to the public/book_covers/ directory. If I then try to look at the
file by going to /localhost/book_covers/ and clicking on the item
that’s listed, I get a missing image and another error in the log:
Session ID: 345f86366e41bc32e5883f3fbffa1efd
Parameters: {“action”=>“show”, “id”=>“0”, “controller”=>“book_covers”}
BookCover Load (0.000822) SELECT * FROM book_covers WHERE
(book_covers.id = ‘0’) LIMIT 1
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn’t find BookCover with ID=0):
I don’t know why it’s looking for id = 0, the link in the index page is:
and on the show page:
Did I miss something?
On 9/8/06, John T. [email protected] wrote:
file by going to /localhost/book_covers/ and clicking on the item
I don’t know why it’s looking for id = 0, the link in the index page is:
Just a quick followup - the image is uploaded, but the path it’s
uploaded to is:
I don’t know why it’s showing 0. The database clearly shows id = 1:
sqlite> select * from book_covers;
On 9/8/06, John T. [email protected] wrote:
Just a quick followup - the image is uploaded, but the path it’s uploaded to is:
I don’t know why it’s showing 0. The database clearly shows id = 1:
sqlite> select * from book_covers;
A further followup… for some reason, statements in the create method:
@book_cover = DvdCover.create! params[:book_cover]
redirect_to :action => ‘show’, :id => @book_cover
are setting the :id to 0, and then all heck breaks loose.
Anyone… anyone?
On 9/8/06, John T. [email protected] wrote:
Here’s yet more info. Clearing everything out and clicking on New,
then selecting an image and clicking submit and I get this in the log:
Processing BookCoversController#create (for at 2006-09-08
20:20:50) [POST]
Session ID: 345f86366e41bc32e5883f3fbffa1efd
Parameters: {“commit”=>“Create”, “action”=>“create”,
SQL (0.006686) PRAGMA table_info(book_covers)
Exception working with image: undefined method `columns’ for
SQL (0.001709) INSERT INTO book_covers (“content_type”, “size”,
“thumbnail”, “filename”, “height”, “parent_id”, “width”)
VALUES(‘image/jpeg’, 65559, NULL, ‘06.jpg’, NULL, NULL, NULL)
@book_cover.id = 0
Redirected to http://localhost:3000/book_covers/show/0
Completed in 0.52382 (1 reqs/sec) | DB: 0.00839 (1%) | 302 Found
On 9/8/06, John T. [email protected] wrote:
A further followup… for some reason, statements in the create method:
@book_cover = DvdCover.create! params[:book_cover]
redirect_to :action => ‘show’, :id => @book_cover
Obviously, the code is actually:
@book_cover = BookCover.create! params[:book_cover]
redirect_to :action => ‘show’, :id => @book_cover
With the same result - id is 0, folder created is 0, id of record in
database is 1.
So I tried to run the test for the plug in and I get this:
~/RoR/test john$ rake test_plugins
(in /Users/john/RoR/test)
/usr/local/bin/ruby -Ilib:test
– create_table(:attachments, {:force=>true})
`gem_original_require’: no such file to load – sqlite
Looks like it’s trying to create a sqlite (vs sqlite3) db? The db I’m
using is sqlite3 so I don’t know why it’s it’s trying to use sqlite.
On 9/8/06, John T. [email protected] wrote:
So I tried to run the test for the plug in and I get this:
(Is anyone even seeing these??)
I got the tests to run by editing the database.yml file within the
test folder of the plugin to only use sqlite3 (I’d figure it would
pick the right database - guess not…)
But that doesn’t help. That generated:
47 tests, 35 assertions, 0 failures, 39 errors
rake aborted!
Command failed with status (1): [/usr/local/bin/ruby -Ilib:test
Here’s the results of the first test:
- Error:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound: Couldn’t find FileAttachment with ID=0
Looks pretty much the same as I’m getting.
On 9/8/06, s.ross [email protected] wrote:
Not too comforting, right? I suggest you create a fresh rails project,
install the plugin from svn, edit the database.yml, then run the tests. That
way you can reassure yourself that the plugin should be passing its tests. I
suspect it will pass the tests. Then compare to see what’s different between
the fresh install and your current project.
Thanks for the suggestion. I created a new project, installed the
plugin, edited the database.yml file and ran the tests:
47 tests, 35 assertions, 0 failures, 39 errors
rake aborted!
Command failed with status (1): [/usr/local/bin/ruby -Ilib:test
- Error:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound: Couldn’t find FileAttachment with ID=0
There are some messages about the most current version of the plugin
needing edge rails, so I deleted the plugin and installed the 1.1.6
version. Save errors. (all I need to do is rm -R acts_as_plugin to
delete the old one, right?)
If you really get stuck, why not post your question to
I’ll try there too.
Rather than installing 1.1.6, you might try:
rake rails:edge:freeze
It shouldn’t be too different. And yes, to uninstall the plugin rm -Rf
should work.
So others may help with this, what OS are you running (Web server
really matter if you’re not even passing the tests)? Also, have you
successfully done anything with sqlite3? Just grasping at straws, but
maybe you have a bad build?
John T.-3 wrote:
Finished in 2.989249 seconds.
the fresh install and your current project.
- Error:
I’ll try there too.
View this message in context:
Sent from the RubyOnRails Users forum at Nabble.com.
The different configs are there so you can choose the one that matches
with your system. I just did the same exact set of steps to see if I
repro your bug and I get:
Finished in 2.989249 seconds.
47 tests, 255 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
Not too comforting, right? I suggest you create a fresh rails project,
install the plugin from svn, edit the database.yml, then run the tests.
way you can reassure yourself that the plugin should be passing its
tests. I
suspect it will pass the tests. Then compare to see what’s different
the fresh install and your current project.
If you really get stuck, why not post your question to
Yes, somebody is reading these.
Hope this helps.
John T.-3 wrote:
test folder of the plugin to only use sqlite3 (I’d figure it would
- Error:
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound: Couldn’t find FileAttachment with ID=0
Looks pretty much the same as I’m getting.
View this message in context:
Sent from the RubyOnRails Users forum at Nabble.com.
On 9/9/06, s.ross [email protected] wrote:
So others may help with this, what OS are you running (Web server doesn’t
really matter if you’re not even passing the tests)? Also, have you
successfully done anything with sqlite3? Just grasping at straws, but
maybe you have a bad build?
OS X, and I’ve used sqlite3 without a problem.
On 9/9/06, John T. [email protected] wrote:
OS X, and I’ve used sqlite3 without a problem.
I tried the same test on another system (creating a new rails app,
install the plugin (1.1.6 version) and run the tests. On this system,
the tests passed. The difference is, the second system does have
ImageMagick/Rmagick installed.
Does the plugin require Imagemagick? I thought it didn’t, but I’m
thinking that it just might.
And on yet a third machine (also OS X, without ImageMagick), testing
gives even different results:
Finished in 6.959831 seconds.
47 tests, 143 assertions, 7 failures, 10 errors
rake aborted!
Command failed with status (1): [/usr/local/bin/ruby -Ilib:test
Some passed. (It looks like the ones that failed are the ones that
would be using ImageMagick)
All 3 machines had Rails installed the same way, using the Hivelogic
steps. I’m at a loss and am about to just give up.
Oops. Got that rake task backwards…
rake rails:freeze:edge
John T.-3 wrote:
Finished in 2.989249 seconds.
the fresh install and your current project.
- Error:
I’ll try there too.
View this message in context:
Sent from the RubyOnRails Users forum at Nabble.com.
On 9/9/06, Rick O. [email protected] wrote:
The tests rely on rmagick. if it’s not installed, there’s nothing to
resize the images so the tests won’t pass.
That makes sense. I also assume that this message in the log while
trying to create a new item:
Exception working with image: undefined method `columns’ for
indicates the missing ImageMagick/rmagick?
Any idea why creating a new item, in my initial messages and sample
app, are returning 0 for the id??
On 9/9/06, John T. [email protected] wrote:
Any idea why creating a new item, in my initial messages and sample
app, are returning 0 for the id??
For anyone else who happens to run into this. Apparently, something
changed somewhere to cause sqlite3 and ruby to not work (some details
I ended up installing SWIG from source (I don’t have Darwinports
installed), and removed and reinstalled the sqlite3 gem and it’s all
working again.
On 9/9/06, John T. [email protected] wrote:
47 tests, 143 assertions, 7 failures, 10 errors
rake aborted!
Command failed with status (1): [/usr/local/bin/ruby -Ilib:test "/usr/local…]
Some passed. (It looks like the ones that failed are the ones that
would be using ImageMagick)
All 3 machines had Rails installed the same way, using the Hivelogic
steps. I’m at a loss and am about to just give up.
The tests rely on rmagick. if it’s not installed, there’s nothing to
resize the images so the tests won’t pass.
Rick O.
On 9/9/06, John T. [email protected] wrote:
Exception working with image: undefined method `columns’ for #String:0x22ae4ac
indicates the missing ImageMagick/rmagick?
Any idea why creating a new item, in my initial messages and sample
app, are returning 0 for the id??
Yes, if that’s all you’re getting in the test failures, I wouldn’t
worry about it. For now, you’ll just miss out on all the swanky
resizing/thumbnailing aspects without RMagick. The rest of the plugin
should work though.
Rick O.