Hello all,
I’m having problems creating a new record with has_many :through
My application is quite complicated so I’ll try to explain it as easy as
I can.
I have a many to many relationship with Projects, IRBs and Reviews.
Where reviews is the joined model.
In the new project view, I have a link (add IRB). This will add an a
list of IRBs to the new project form.
I have visited a Railscast(#73-75) similar to this.
The difference is I need to search for an IRB# first.
Therefore when use the link it will open a jQuery UI dialog box. Within
the dialog, I have a search bar for ‘irbs’.
When a search is implemented, the results appear in the dialog box. Each
result has a 'irb#, title and a link “add IRB”
This link will add/create the association in the Reviews model.
I have setup everything up similar to a Railscast (163. Self-Referential
Association) but when I click the ‘Add IRB’, I get a “undefined method
`reviews’ for #Array:0x10322cbb8” error.
My project, irb and review models.
- project model -
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :reviews
has_many :irbs, :through => :reviews
-irb model -
class Irb < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :reviews
has_many :projects, :through => :reviews
review model -
class Review < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :irb # foreign key - irb_id
belongs_to :project # foreign key - project_id
end -
reviews_controller -
class ReviewsController < ApplicationController
def create
@review = Project.reviews.build( :irb_id => params[:id] )
if @review.save
flash[:notice] = “IRB added.”
redirect_to new_project_path
flash[:error] = “Unable to add IRB.”
redirect_to new_project_path
enddef destroy
@review = Project.reviews.find(params[:id])
flash[:notice] = “IRB Removed.”
redirect_to new_project_path
Here’s the partial to which the “Add IRB” link is.
- _searchresults.html.erb -
<% content_for :head do %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag ‘dialog’ %>
<% end %>
IRB Search Results | |||
IRB ID | Title | PI Full Name | Actions |
<%=h irb.IRB %> | <%=h truncate(irb.Title, :length => 30) %> | <%=h irb.PI_Full_Name %> | <%= link_to 'Add IRB', reviews_path, :id => irb.id, :method => :post %> |
Thank you for any advice or help with this.