Problem Upgrading from 1.0.5 to 1.0.8

Hey Guys,

I’m getting the following error:

NameError in ‘ProductsController with a GET to /products NO NAME
(Because of Error raised in matcher)’
uninitialized constant Spec::Mocks::BaseExpectation::AnyArgsConstraint
expect_render_mock_proxy' /Users/mattlins/Projects/RailsProjects/SWNetworkServices/vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/dsl/behaviour/render_observer.rb:84:incall’
expect_render_mock_proxy' /Users/mattlins/Projects/RailsProjects/SWNetworkServices/vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/dsl/behaviour/controller.rb:67:inrender’

The line of code responsible is:

get “index”

This is actually the first controller spec I’ve written, so I’m really

Any Ideas?


Matt L.

On 10/23/07, Matt L. [email protected] wrote:

The line of code responsible is:

get “index”

This is actually the first controller spec I’ve written, so I’m really

Any Ideas?

The subject of this email says you’re having a problem upgrading,
which would imply that you already had this spec written and it was
passing and it started failing when you upgraded.

But then you say this is the first controller spec you’ve written.

Please clarify.

Sorry about that.

This spec was never tried on 1.0.5. I upgraded to 1.0.8 and immediately
wrote the spec following the documentation on the Rspec site.

I assumed it may have had something to do with the upgrade, since the
controller spec was so simple.

Just to clarify:

I upgraded the Rspec gem to the latest.
I upgraded the rspec rails plugin to the latest.
I upgraded the rspec_on_rails plugin to the latest.

I did this yesterday and ran all of my model tests(all still passed just
fine) and began to write some controller specs.

Here it is:

require File.dirname(FILE) + ‘/…/spec_helper’

describe ProductsController, “with a GET to /products” do

it do
get “index”
response.should render_template("/app/views/products/index.rhtml")


The error again is:

NameError in ‘ProductsController with a GET to /products NO NAME
(Because of Error raised in matcher)’
uninitialized constant Spec::Mocks::BaseExpectation::AnyArgsConstraint
expect_render_mock_proxy' /Users/mattlins/Projects/RailsProjects/SWNetworkServices/vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/dsl/behaviour/render_observer.rb:84:incall’
expect_render_mock_proxy' /Users/mattlins/Projects/RailsProjects/SWNetworkServices/vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/dsl/behaviour/controller.rb:67:inrender’

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Looks like I have piston set to use this:


On 10/23/07, Matt L. [email protected] wrote:

I upgraded the Rspec gem to the latest.
I upgraded the rspec rails plugin to the latest.
I upgraded the rspec_on_rails plugin to the latest.

By “the latest”, which of these do you mean?



Have you also piston’d:


On 10/23/07, [email protected] [email protected] wrote:

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George A.

BenevolentCode LLC
O: (410) 461-7553
C: (410) 218-5185

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