Problem updated Rails using RubyGems on OS X Tiger

Hello there,

My development environment consists of:

-OS X Tiger (PowerPC)

-ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [powerpc-darwin8.7.0]

-Rails 1.1.4

-RubyGems 0.90

Now, when I try to update Rails by:

  1. Launching BASH under Terminal
  2. Logging in as root by issuing the following command: sudo su root
  3. When I issue the following command:

root# gem install rails --include-dependencies

I receive this error message:

ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::GemNotFoundException)
Could not find rails (> 0) in the repository

Any help, tips, and suggestions are most appreciated!



I got the same thing today (18 Oct 2006) when I was following
Hivelogic’s installation instructions…

ERROR: While executing gem … (Gem::GemNotFoundException)
Could not find rails (> 0) in the repository
