I’m trying to debug an external dsl and i have found some problems to
step in the code (at least under windows)
I have a main.rb file (file are attached in test_debug.7z) :
puts “In Main before eval”
puts “In Main after eval”
and a dyn.dsl file :
puts “In dyn line 1”
x = 1 + 1
puts “x = #{x}”
Using Rubymine2.0 with ruby-debug-ide 0.4.9 correctly compiled (it was
quite hard to get there by the way…), the debugger is able to set a
breakpoint correctly on file “dyn.dsl”. I’m able to step in this file.
Everything is ok.
Now, if i try to debug it from the comman line : [ruby -r debug
main.rb], i’m not able to see the source file of dyn.dsl code :
E:\Code\RubyTest>ruby -r debug main.rb
Emacs support available.
main.rb:1:puts “In Main before eval”
(rdb:1) break dyn.dsl:1
Set breakpoint 1 at dyn.dsl:1
(rdb:1) cont
In Main before eval
Breakpoint 1, toplevel at dyn.dsl:1
(rdb:1) list
[-4, 5] in dyn.dsl
No sourcefile available for dyn.dsl
Ruby version is : ruby 1.8.6 (2007-09-24 patchlevel 111) [i386-mswin32]
Worst is that with ruby 1.9.1, I’m no longer able to debug through
instance_eval on an IDE, at least tested Rubymine2.0 or Netbeans.
Do you have any explanations?
Could you not just do this instead?
load “dyn.dsl”
The ‘self’ object context would be lost. But at worst you could pass
that through a constant or a global or thread-local variable, e.g.
dyn.dsl contains
$SELF.instance_eval { … original content …
Do you have any explanations?
A debugger is probably not going to be able to find the source file if
the source is not in a file but is in a String.
Brian C. wrote:
Could you not just do this instead?
load “dyn.dsl”
The ‘self’ object context would be lost. But at worst you could pass
that through a constant or a global or thread-local variable, e.g.
dyn.dsl contains
$SELF.instance_eval { … original content …
I would prefer another option… I would like to keep the dsl code
clean, and yes, I need the self…
A debugger is probably not going to be able to find the source file if
the source is not in a file but is in a String.
Well, with the 2nd argument of the instance_eval, even if it’s more used
to report a correct error, could be used for that (and I believe that
this is used probably by some of those debuggers). Seems that there is
an inconsistency between the different debuggers : JRuby 1.4.0 seems to
be able to step in the code without no problem. The ruby-debug-ide 0.4.9
is working well. The ruby-debug-ide19 is not working on this, the -r
debug command line is not working… weird…
Anyway, i can still live with that. It’s working at least from an ide on
1.8.6 and in jruby 1.4.0. I’m also curious if it’s a bug (not being able
to step in the code) or a feature that is undocumented…