Hi Folks
I’m brand new in rails. I’m trying to build a little application, and
when I tried to run a unit test, I got an error. The error follows
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR: value too long for
type character varying(2)
The migration is:
class CreateParticipantes < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :participantes do |t|
t.string :cpf, :limit => 11
t.string :nome, :limit => 100
t.string :apelido, :limit => 50
t.string :sexo, :limit => 1
t.string :rg, :limit => 15
t.string :emissor, :limit => 10
t.date :datanascimento
t.string :nomeresponsavel, :limit => 100
t.string :rgresponsavel, :limit => 15
t.string :parentesco, :limit => 50
t.string :endereco, :limit => 100
t.string :cidade, :limit => 100
t.string :estado, :limit => 2
t.string :cep, :limit => 8
t.string :email, :limit => 255
t.string :telefone, :limit => 10
t.string :celular, :limit => 10
t.boolean :possuiplanosaude
t.string :planodesaude, :limit => 50
t.string :clube, :limit => 50
t.string :nomeemergencia, :limit => 100
t.string :telefoneemergencia, :limit => 10
t.text :doenca
t.text :alergias
t.boolean :usacelular
t.boolean :eventoanterior
t.string :senha, :limit => 50
add_index(:participantes, :cpf)
def self.down
drop_table :participantes
And the test class is:
require ‘test_helper’
class ParticipanteTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
def test_insercao_correta
participante = Participante.create(:cpf => “93468920059”)
I could run the code inside test_insercao_correta in a shell script
using the test database and the develop database.
When the result had shown in a shell, I saw the following query (I’m
calling query, but I don’t know if it is really a query);
INSERT INTO “participantes” (“doenca”, “celular”, “updated_at”,
“alergias”, “planodesaude”, “eventoanterior”, “endereco”,
“nomeemergencia”, “possuiplanosaude”, “cep”, “datanascimento”, “nome”,
“cpf”, “usacelular”, “clube”, “rgresponsavel”, “id”,
“nomeresponsavel”, “cidade”, “parentesco”, “emissor”, “apelido”,
“sexo”, “created_at”, “senha”, “telefoneemergencia”, “telefone”,
“email”, “estado”, “rg”) VALUES (E’MyString’, E’MyString’,
E’2010-04-08 02:16:38’, E’MyString’, E’MyString’, ‘f’, E’MyString’,
E’MyString’, ‘f’, E’MyString’, ‘2010-03-17’, E’MyString’, E’MyString’,
‘f’, E’MyString’, E’MyString’, 298486374, E’MyString’, E’MyString’,
E’MyString’, E’MyString’, E’MyString’, NULL, E’2010-04-08 02:16:38’,
E’MyString’, E’MyString’, E’MyString’, E’MyString’, E’MyString’,
Is there someone could help me?
Thanks in advance