Problem running unit test

Hi Folks

I’m brand new in rails. I’m trying to build a little application, and
when I tried to run a unit test, I got an error. The error follows

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR: value too long for
type character varying(2)

The migration is:

class CreateParticipantes < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.up
create_table :participantes do |t|
t.string :cpf, :limit => 11
t.string :nome, :limit => 100
t.string :apelido, :limit => 50
t.string :sexo, :limit => 1
t.string :rg, :limit => 15
t.string :emissor, :limit => 10 :datanascimento
t.string :nomeresponsavel, :limit => 100
t.string :rgresponsavel, :limit => 15
t.string :parentesco, :limit => 50
t.string :endereco, :limit => 100
t.string :cidade, :limit => 100
t.string :estado, :limit => 2
t.string :cep, :limit => 8
t.string :email, :limit => 255
t.string :telefone, :limit => 10
t.string :celular, :limit => 10
t.boolean :possuiplanosaude
t.string :planodesaude, :limit => 50
t.string :clube, :limit => 50
t.string :nomeemergencia, :limit => 100
t.string :telefoneemergencia, :limit => 10
t.text :doenca
t.text :alergias
t.boolean :usacelular
t.boolean :eventoanterior
t.string :senha, :limit => 50


add_index(:participantes, :cpf)


def self.down
drop_table :participantes

And the test class is:

require ‘test_helper’

class ParticipanteTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
def test_insercao_correta
participante = Participante.create(:cpf => “93468920059”)

I could run the code inside test_insercao_correta in a shell script
using the test database and the develop database.

When the result had shown in a shell, I saw the following query (I’m
calling query, but I don’t know if it is really a query);
INSERT INTO “participantes” (“doenca”, “celular”, “updated_at”,
“alergias”, “planodesaude”, “eventoanterior”, “endereco”,
“nomeemergencia”, “possuiplanosaude”, “cep”, “datanascimento”, “nome”,
“cpf”, “usacelular”, “clube”, “rgresponsavel”, “id”,
“nomeresponsavel”, “cidade”, “parentesco”, “emissor”, “apelido”,
“sexo”, “created_at”, “senha”, “telefoneemergencia”, “telefone”,
“email”, “estado”, “rg”) VALUES (E’MyString’, E’MyString’,
E’2010-04-08 02:16:38’, E’MyString’, E’MyString’, ‘f’, E’MyString’,
E’MyString’, ‘f’, E’MyString’, ‘2010-03-17’, E’MyString’, E’MyString’,
‘f’, E’MyString’, E’MyString’, 298486374, E’MyString’, E’MyString’,
E’MyString’, E’MyString’, E’MyString’, NULL, E’2010-04-08 02:16:38’,
E’MyString’, E’MyString’, E’MyString’, E’MyString’, E’MyString’,

Is there someone could help me?

Thanks in advance

On Apr 8, 3:35 pm, Everton L. [email protected] wrote:

Hi Folks

I’m brand new in rails. I’m trying to build a little application, and
when I tried to run a unit test, I got an error. The error follows

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR: value too long for
type character varying(2)

It looks like the autogenerated fixtures file contains data that is
too long for some of your columns (I think rails just puts MyString in
all string fields, but some of your columns only have length 2)


Yes I have the column estado with 2 characters. But if I
define :estado => “RS” the error continues.

I’m using PostgreSQL to build the application.

On 8 April 2010 17:45, Everton L. [email protected] wrote:

ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR: value too long for
type character varying(2)

It looks like the autogenerated fixtures file contains data that is
too long for some of your columns (I think rails just puts MyString in
all string fields, but some of your columns only have length 2)

I think Fred meant you to look in the fixtures file that rails may
have autogenerated for you (test/fixtures/participantes.yml) and check
the lengths of data there.


On Apr 8, 9:22 pm, Everton L. [email protected] wrote:

I wil see. Even I use the command rake test:units, will fixtures be

Yup. Fixtures are loaded no matter how you run the tests.


I wil see. Even I use the command rake test:units, will fixtures be

It works. I had fixtures automatically generated with ‘MyString’.
Thanks for all help.