Problem --> "onsubmit" in "remote_form_for"?

I want to check whether textfield is empty or not at onsubmit event of
form, but it is not working.
Can any one tell me how to check empty textfield on remote_form_for’s
onsubmit event???

my code is --------------->

<%remote_form_for(:comments, @comment, :url => @commentUrl, :html =>
{:method => :post, :onsubmit => ‘if ($(“comments_comment”).value == “”)
{showNotificationMessage(“Please enter comment”, Notification.Error,
comments_comment); return false;}’}) do |f| %>
<%= f.text_area “comment”, :rows => 2,

  <%=submit_to_remote f, "Add comment",
    :url => @commentUrl,
    :update => { :success => divID, :failure => divID }%>

Vikas G. wrote:

I want to check whether textfield is empty or not at onsubmit event of
form, but it is not working.

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the Ruby programming language; there are some Rails people here, but you
are more likely to find the answers you need on a mailing list for the
Rails framework (which just happens to be written in Ruby)