Problem : Instance Variable or Application Constant Expiring
I am parsing an XML, and getting a response object which is quite
large ,hence I cant store that in Session or cookie.
I can not regenerate this response as its from a 3rd party Web
service . Regeneration would spoil the flow of the application.
I have used 3 approaches . @instance_variable
Application doesn’t have a
Filestore system
Can someone please let me know a solution by which I can persist a
large string around 10000 to 25000 characters throughout the
application, also which is user specific and not same for all users.
To repeat: I need a way by which I can store a large data(10k -25K
characters) throughout the application.
Approach I followed:
Like mentioned above I have used a $CONSTANT or @@class_variable ,
this approach works fine with mongrel/webrick both locally or on
server(linux). however the same piece of code fails on passenger .
To repeat: I need a way by which I can store a large data(10k -25K
characters) throughout the application.
Or how can you persist something without persistent storage ? The only
thing I can thing of would be to send that response object through to
the user and use html5 local storage to store it there, but really I’d
look at overturning one of those limitations (Could you run memcache?)
Don’t use ANY of these. As you’ve already noticed, they fail badly for
any solution that involves more than one process answering requests.
Application doesn’t have a
Filestore system
Wow, that kinda sucks.
Can someone please let me know a solution by which I can persist a
large string around 10000 to 25000 characters throughout the
application, also which is user specific and not same for all users.
Short of doing something horribly icky like “put a hidden field on
every page and make all actions use POST”, I’m not certain there’s a
good solution for this.
–Matt J.
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