Problem installing RMagick gem

I have problems installing problem installing the RMagick gem.

My environment:

  • winXP
  • instantrails 1.4
  • installed ImageMagick-6.3.0-7-Q8-windows-dll.exe

I have problems installing the gem:
cmd I’m running:
gem install rmagick --local --debug

Exception Errno::ENOENT' at F:/InstantRails/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/ 1.8/rubygems/config_file.rb:50 - No such file or directory - C:\Documents and Settings\Daniel/.gemrc ExceptionZlib::BufError’ at F:/InstantRails/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/
1.8/rubygems/package.rb:348 - buffer error
ERROR: Error installing gem rmagick[.gem]: buffer error

Does it ring a bell to anybody?

Thanks…regards Daniel

DanielB wrote:

I have problems installing problem installing the RMagick gem.

My environment:

  • winXP
  • instantrails 1.4
  • installed ImageMagick-6.3.0-7-Q8-windows-dll.exe

I have problems installing the gem:
cmd I’m running:
gem install rmagick --local --debug

Exception Errno::ENOENT' at F:/InstantRails/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/ 1.8/rubygems/config_file.rb:50 - No such file or directory - C:\Documents and Settings\Daniel/.gemrc Exception Zlib::BufError’ at F:/InstantRails/ruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/
1.8/rubygems/package.rb:348 - buffer error
ERROR: Error installing gem rmagick[.gem]: buffer error

Does it ring a bell to anybody?

Thanks…regards Daniel

This is a much-asked about issue - there was a problem with the latest
release of rmagick for windows. They released a special zip that had a
particular install of imagemagick that was supposed to be installed
first, that fixed it. However, they’ve also released a new version of
rmagick for windows, so maybe you should try installing that before
reinstalling imagemagick: