Problem installing Qt4 gem on Windows

Shouldn’t windows gems be precompiled?

D:>gem install qtruby4-1.4.10-x86-mswin32.gem

Building native extensions. This could take a while…
ERROR: Error installing qtruby4-1.4.10-x86-mswin32.gem:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.

d:/ruby/bin/ruby.exe extconf.rb install qtruby4-1.4.10-x86-mswin32.gem
Executing install…
creating Makefile

The system cannot execute the specified program.

Gem files will remain installed in
-x86-mswin32 for inspection.
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Hi Damjan,

binaries are included in the Windows qt4 gem, but gem forces to use
“nmake” even if nmake does nothing. Thats why nmake is included in this
gem, but it is a 2008 version, so you need to install vcredist_x86 (2008
!!! version), if this does not work please try the 2005 SP1 Version of
vcredist_x86, and please let me know which version works with it

Best regards

Damjan R. schrieb:

Executing install…


Otto Software Partner GmbH

Jan P. (e-mail: [email protected])

Tel. 0351/49723202, Fax: 0351/49723119
01067 Dresden, Freiberger Straße 35 - AG Dresden, HRB 2475
Geschäftsführer: Burkhard Arrenberg, Heinz A. Bade, Jens Gruhl

Jan P. wrote:

Hi Damjan,

binaries are included in the Windows qt4 gem, but gem forces to use
“nmake” even if nmake does nothing. Thats why nmake is included in this
gem, but it is a 2008 version, so you need to install vcredist_x86 (2008
!!! version), if this does not work please try the 2005 SP1 Version of
vcredist_x86, and please let me know which version works with it

I have instaled Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack Redistributable
Package (x86) and now gem installs properly. I am on Vista. gem -v =>

I will submit a bug on ruby gems project.


On Sep 19, 3:42 am, Damjan R. [email protected] wrote:

Package (x86) and now gem installs properly. I am on Vista. gem -v =>

I will submit a bug on ruby gems project.


You’re getting the building native extension issue since the gem
specification file that defines the gem contains the reference to the
extension extconf file.

Gems that are supposed to be “native” for a specific platform should
have their extensions definition emtpy. pure-ruby or the ones that
requires building those, should contain the extconf, makefile or other
references for RubyGems to fire the proper process for them.

On a side note, bundling nmake.exe is a direct violation of
distributing licenses of Microsoft Visual Studio.


So, it works :slight_smile: It’s needed cause, i compiled Qt 4.4.1 and qtruby with
Visual Studio 2008.

Damjan R. schrieb:

Otto Software Partner GmbH

Jan P. (e-mail: [email protected])

Tel. 0351/49723202, Fax: 0351/49723119
01067 Dresden, Freiberger Straße 35 - AG Dresden, HRB 2475
Geschäftsführer: Burkhard Arrenberg, Heinz A. Bade, Jens Gruhl