Problem in rubygems installation

Dear all,

while installing rubygems(1.2.0) in windows I am getting the below
command used: ruby setup.rb

./lib/rubygems/spec_fetcher.rb:1:in require': no such file to load -- zlib (Loa dError) from ./lib/rubygems/spec_fetcher.rb:1 from ./lib/rubygems/source_index.rb:10:inrequire’
from ./lib/rubygems/source_index.rb:10
from ./lib/rubygems.rb:767:in require' from ./lib/rubygems.rb:767 from setup.rb:22:inrequire’
from setup.rb:22

can anyone help me to solve this error.

I didn’t use ‘one click installer’ for ruby installation. bez I need to
build ‘Ruby extensions’. so,
I have installed ruby by ‘configure’ and ‘nmake’ commands.
(within: c:/ruby/win32)
now I am able to run the ruby extension program.

I am using ruby version 1.8.6. with MSVC6

Thanks in advance.

Dear all,

This error is due to the version of the rubygems.
now I have changed the version rubygems version into the older one. now
its installed properly.


On Jul 10, 2008, at 23:39 PM, dare ruby wrote:

This error is due to the version of the rubygems.
now I have changed the version rubygems version into the older one.
its installed properly.

It won’t work without zlib.