I have a comment and a question about this advice, but probably I am
too much as a new user.
I recently tried to “sync” my development workstations (in my lab): Gnu
Radio 3.5.0rc0 and UHD 3.3.1 which is installed and working very well on
principal development machine.
A few days later on another system totally different than my own, I
tried to
install new development environments and initially chose NOT to use
build script in full, but used its “gitfetch” function, followed by:
(cd to UHD directory)
(git checkout tag release_003_003_001)
(build-gnuradio with options to build only the UHD)
And then,
(cd to GNU radio directory)
(git checkout tag 3.5.0rc0)
(build-gnuradio with options to build only the GNU Radio)
All of these were on a updated Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. And while the UHD 3.3.1
system worked initially (uhd_find_device worked great), it broke
after gnu-radio was installed … with a segmentation fault as the UHD
installed now showed UHD_003.004.000 instead of UHD_003_003_001. This
is not what I expected, it should be possible to roll back (UHD,
to whatever version we wish to have, to test out older scripts…
Based upon a suggestion from a colleague, I later ran the build-gnuradio
script in full and all is fine for now, albeit two different foundation
3.5.0rc0 + UHD 3.3.1
3.5.0rc0 + UHD 3.4.0
But, may I ask the developers to explain the reasoning for this behavior
an install script that was run on two similar machines separated by only
four days? What can we do, explicitly, to choose particular
distributions of Gnuradio and UHD, so we don’t end up having several
versions of the codebase which may have different classes of bugs. What
your recommended strategy for regression testing, or synching the
development environments ?
From: Nowlan, Sean [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2011 9:56 AM
To: Marcus D. Leech; shantharam balasubramanian
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] problem in installing gnuradio
Hi Shantharam,
Your e-mail seems to indicate that you built Gnuradio before building
UHD needs to be built before Gnuradio because the Gnuradio package
depends on it. Try re-running Marcus’ script:
From: discuss-gnuradio-bounces+sean.nowlan=removed_email_address@domain.invalid
[mailto:discuss-gnuradio-bounces+sean.nowlan=removed_email_address@domain.invalid] On
Behalf Of Marcus D. Leech
Sent: Sunday, November 20, 2011 10:27 PM
To: shantharam balasubramanian
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [Discuss-gnuradio] problem in installing gnuradio
I have actually mentioned that error in the first mail itself.
I have mentioned that it gave me the error,
ImportError: cannot import name uhd
It wasn’t clear in your second e-mail that your errors were the same.
What is your PYTHONPATH set to?
And also, I will, once again, encourage you to use:
Which takes care of installing prerequisites, downloading and building
and Gnu Radio, doing the necessary post-install tasks,
and also figuring out what your PYTHONPATH should be, and telling you.