Problem displaying magnitude of a complex signal in a scope

I started developing with GNU Radio a couple of weeks ago and have
following the list for a while. I must thank Eric, Matt and everyone
else for
all the time they are devoting to this project. Now with my problem…

I am trying to do something which should be pretty simple. I have
started from
one of the examples provided with GNU Radio. I use the USRP as a source
complex data. Then I use gr.complex_to_mag() to get the magnitude of the
signal. Finally I output it to the scope using scope_sink_f. What I get
is a
single freezed frame on the scope and nothing after. It is probably a
mistake on my side. The code is in attachment.

I am using GNU Radio release 2.8 as I don’t have access to CVS on the
All the examples work well on my system. I tried the code on a basic and
dbsrx daugtherboard.

Is there any additional documentation available for gr-wxgui?

Thanks for your help,


On Mon, Jul 31, 2006 at 06:18:04PM -0400, Louis Girard wrote:

mistake on my side. The code is in attachment.
Try setting the trigger to Auto in the GUI, or press the “50%” button,
which sets the trigger level to 50% of the observed signal.

I am using GNU Radio release 2.8 as I don’t have access to CVS on the system.
All the examples work well on my system. I tried the code on a basic and a
dbsrx daugtherboard.

Should be fine for your application.

Is there any additional documentation available for gr-wxgui?

Just what’s inline in the code.
