Problem converting application to use REST, people_path meth

Hi All,

I am converting a “traditional” rails application to use RESTful routes
and controllers. Everything is going fine so far, except for the
following problem.

I have the active record class Person. When I want to build RESTful
URL’s using the helper *_path methods the person_path(:id) calls work
fine, but when I use people_path method ruby raises an exception that no
method exists. I assume these methods are created dynamically, why would
the method for creating "show"URL’s get created, but not the method for
the “index” URL?

example code:

This works fine. The call to person_path(@person) generates the

correct URL

this is uses for updating an existing person.

<% form_for(:person, :url => person_path(@person), :html => { :method
=> :put }) do |form| %>

First Name <%=
form.text_field :first_name %>

Last Name <%=
form.text_field :last_name %>

<% end %>

The following call to people_path fails with a the eror

|undefined local variable or method `people_path’ for


this is used when creating new users.

|<% form_for(:person, :url => people_path, :html => { :method => :put })
do |form| %>

First Name <%=
form.text_field :first_name %>

Last Name <%=
form.text_field :last_name %>

<% end %>

I have tried variants like persons_path with no success. People is the
correct pluralization used by rails.


Anthony R.

Hi. And what’s the content of your “routes.rb” file?


Aurélien Malisart wrote:

Hi. And what’s the content of your “routes.rb” file?



ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
map.connect ‘’, :controller => “home”
map.resources :person

However, all routing seems to work fine. I have no problems with
get,put,post,delete calls.


Anthony R.


ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
map.connect ‘’, :controller => “home”
map.resources :person

Have you tried that:

map.resources :people