I’ve written an .rjs template to update more than one page element at
once. It seems to work perfectly when I call it using a link on the
page, i.e.:
link_to_remote( image_tag(“button_add.gif”), :url =>{:action =>
‘side_comment_return’, :id => i, :article_id => @article.id } )
But when I attempt to call that same .rjs template from an action that
responds to a form post, i.e.:
def create_side_comment
flash[:notice] = “Added comment.”
redirect_to (:action => ‘side_comment_return’, :id =>
params[:paragraph_id], :article_id => params[:id] )
it spews all of the javascript onto the area of the page that i am
trying to update, rather than simply rendering the html like I expect,
try { Element.update(“side_comment3”, "\ntest -test
\n"); Element.update(“add_comment_button3”, "“Add”); } catch (e) {
alert(‘RJS error:\n\n’ + e.toString());
alert('Element.update(“side_comment3”, "\ntest -test
\n");\nElement.update(“add_comment_button3”, "\“Add”);’); throw e
Am I using the redirect_to method inappropriately? Thanks for any help,
this is the first time I’ve posted a question here, and I appreciate
your time.