Probelm with partials

I have this in my view:

New client

<%= error_messages_for :client %>
<%= error_messages_for :entity %>

<% form_for(@client) do |f| %>

<% render :partial => “entities/entity_fields_for”, :object =>
@entity” %>

Client status
<%= f.text_field :client_status %>

Client credit policy
<%= f.text_field :client_credit_policy %>


I have this in entities/_entity_fields_for.html.erb

Entity Header

<% fields_for(@entity) do |e| %>

Entity Name
<%= e.text_field :entity_name %>

  <b>Entity Legal Name</b><br />
  <%= e.text_field :entity_legal_name %>

  <b>Entity Legal Form</b><br />
  <%= e.text_field :entity_legal_form %>

<% end %>

When I try and add a new client I only see this:

New client

Client status

Client credit policy

Client credit terms

Effective from

Superseded after


and in the log I see this:

Processing ClientsController#new (for at 2008-03-14 15:13:12)
Session ID:
Parameters: {“action”=>“new”, “controller”=>“clients”}
Rendering template within layouts/clients
Rendering clients/new
Rendered entities/_entity_fields_for (0.00370)
Completed in 0.05382 (18 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.01708 (31%) | DB:
0.00000 (0%)

So what obvious ( to others) thing am I leaving out or not doing with
respect to displaying the partial? If the code that is in the partial
is left in the new template then it displays as expected.

one error that look obvious is that:
<% render :partial => “entities/entity_fields_for”, :object =>
@entity” %>

should be:
<% render :partial => “entities/entity_fields_for”, :object =>
@entity %>

without those quotes arount @entity

Thorsten M. wrote:

one error that look obvious is that:
<% render :partial => “entities/entity_fields_for”, :object =>
@entity” %>

should be:
<% render :partial => “entities/entity_fields_for”, :object =>
@entity %>

without those quotes arount @entity

The presence or absence of “” around the instance variable does not
change the observed behaviour. The fields are still left un-rendered.
In any case, there is a constant present in the partial,


, which is not displayed either and whose display is
independent of any values passed to the partial template. The problem
is that the log says that the partial is being rendered and yet none of
its contents, not even the label and heading text, are present in the
resulting html document sent to my browser.

right, but a closer look:

use <%= %> instead of <% %>

Thorsten M. wrote:

right, but a closer look:

use <%= %> instead of <% %>

Where? The partial uses <%= %> already. What else needs to have the
ruby generated code put into the document?

James B. wrote:

Thorsten M. wrote:

right, but a closer look:

use <%= %> instead of <% %>

Where? The partial uses <%= %> already. What else needs to have the
ruby generated code put into the document?

Got it. Thanks.

On Mar 14, 2008, at 3:18 PM, James B. wrote:

<%= render :partial => “entities/entity_fields_for”, :object =>


I have this in entities/_entity_fields_for.html.erb

Entity Header

<% fields_for(@entity) do |e| %>

fields_for(entity_fields_for) do |e|

By using :object, you’re telling the partial which object the local
that is the name of the partial (i.e., entity_fields_for) refers.


So what obvious ( to others) thing am I leaving out or not doing with
respect to displaying the partial? If the code that is in the partial
is left in the new template then it displays as expected.

The presence or lack or quotes in the render line have no effect
because you specifically used @entity within the partial anyway and
never used the local variable that you set up with :object (which gets
the name of the partial every time).

Thorsten’s comments about <% vs. <%= are important, too, of course.


Rob B.
[email protected]