I’m trying to put together a simple forum.
I have categories and topics.
To create a new topic they click on
where "1’ is the id of the category. When they submit the form the I
have written the following code to create a new topic and a new post…
def create_new_topic
category_id = params[:id]
@forum_topic = ForumTopic.new(params[:forum_topic])
@forum_topic.category_id = category_id
@message = @forum_topic.forum_post.build(params[:forum_post])
@forum_topic.user_id = session[:user_id]
if @forum_topic.save
update_post(@message.id, @forum_topic.id)
flash[:notice] = ‘ForumTopic was successfully created.’
redirect_to :action => ‘list’
render :action => ‘new’
The following method updates the post, after the topic has been
created. It assigns the correct topic id to the post
def update_post(post_id, topic_id)
post = post_id
topic= topic_id
@post = ForumPost.find(post)
user = session[:user_id]
@post.update_attribute(:user_id, user)
@post.update_attribute(:topic_id, topic)
My problem is… If i enter any id in the /forum/new/1 URL, my code will
create a new topic even if it doesn’t correspond to any of the
I have tried this sort of thing, but I just can’t get it to work…
def new
permitted_categories = ForumCategories.find(:all)
category = params[:id]
if category == permitted_categories
@forum_topic = ForumTopic.new
@forum_post = ForumPost.new
flash[:notice] = ‘Category not found’
redirect_to :action => ‘index’
Any ideas?