Hi all,
when my user edit its account - he can leave the password field blank to
leave the used password untouched.
but he cant leave it blank - because the validation process in my user
modell validates the password field all the way and throws of course an
error if the user leave it blank.
I also have a password_confirmation field that only needs to validat if
a password is given.
validates_confirmation_of :password
validates_presence_of :password
I read something from
attr_accessor :password
but I dont understand the function of this attribute
How can I go around this?
I am happy for any help
Andreas S. wrote:
validates_confirmation_of :password
validates_presence_of :password
validates_presence_of :password, :allow_nil => true
It’s not in the api doc as it relates to this specific validator, but
it’s at the top of this page:
David C. wrote:
validates_presence_of :password, :allow_nil => true
It’s not in the api doc as it relates to this specific validator, but
it’s at the top of this page:
Peak Obsession
thanks david, but this will not work - I still get the “password can’t
be blank” error message
also, thus I use the same modell for creating a new user - than I really
need the validation - so I cant turn it off
I wonder why nobody else ran into that problem
November 7, 2006, 11:06am
On 11/6/06, David C. [email protected] wrote:
it’s at the top of this page:
Peak Obsession
There’s also the :if option, documented in the link above.
Andreas S. wrote:
thanks david, but this will not work - I still get the “password can’t
be blank” error message
also, thus I use the same modell for creating a new user - than I really
need the validation - so I cant turn it off
I wonder why nobody else ran into that problem
validates_presence_of :password, :on => :create