Hey everyone,
I’m looking for a good way to display a table of data in rails. I
want something with scroll bars and resizable columns. Am I crazy for
trying this? Is there a class or such already written that makes
pretty data grids?
Hey everyone,
I’m looking for a good way to display a table of data in rails. I
want something with scroll bars and resizable columns. Am I crazy for
trying this? Is there a class or such already written that makes
pretty data grids?
Hi Joshua
I’m looking for a good way to display a table of data in rails. I
want something with scroll bars and resizable columns. Am I crazy
for trying this? Is there a class or such already written that
makes pretty data grids?
You should have a look at Richard Cowin
OpenRico’s LiveGrid is an on-demand data grid, which enabled you to
work with large datasets. From the site:
The LiveGrid behavior takes an ordinary Html table and:
? Connects it live to Ajax data requests
? Creates a scrollbar that becomes the live data navigator for the
? Automatically populates the data into the cells.
? Employs data buffering and event compression strategies to improve
It doesn’t have column resizing yet, but it would be a nice addition,
everyone would benefit from it. So, if you have some JavaScript
knowledge, please have a go at it
Best regards
Peter De Berdt
On 20 Feb 2006, at 23:19, Joshua Gitlin wrote:
Hey everyone,
I’m looking for a good way to display a table of data in rails. I
want something with scroll bars and resizable columns. Am I crazy
for trying this? Is there a class or such already written that
makes pretty data grids?
Or you could have a look at Purchase Intent Data for Enterprise Tech Sales and Marketing | TechTarget
It seems to have everything you ask for.
Best regards
Peter De Berdt
On 21 Feb 2006, at 09:59, Peter De Berdt wrote:
Or you could have a look at Purchase Intent Data for Enterprise Tech Sales and Marketing | TechTarget
data-grid-as-example-of-rich-ajaxIt seems to have everything you ask for.
… except “real browser” capabilities, i.e. it only runs on Internet
Exploder for the time being. Shows tremendous promise however at an
equally tremendous price. But at least it shows what JavaScript can
do. Now… let’s find some JavaScript geniuses out there that want to
make something like this and provide it under a not-so-commercial
Best regards
Peter De Berdt
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