Prepared statement support in AR under JRuby


I’ve been doing some Googling and there are references to the ability to
do prepared DB statements in JRuby. But I can’t figure out if it really
exists, and if so, is in core JRuby, or some JRuby extras project or

Can someone point me to a reliable source of info. re: the possibility
of using prepared statements in AR via JRuby?


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Wes G. wrote:

Can someone point me to a reliable source of info. re: the possibility
of using prepared statements in AR via JRuby?

So I see that this was kind of a dumb question since I can just do
prepared statements via JDBC. Sorry for the noise.


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Your original question was a valid question actually if your original
intend was to maintain full compatibility with Ruby via ActiveRecord.
On the other hand, check out which offers full
interoperability in any Ruby (original, JRuby, or IronRuby) with
built-in high-performance.

On 12/1/08, Wes G. [email protected] wrote:

statements via JDBC. Sorry for the noise.

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Post TUDBC wrote:

Your original question was a valid question actually if your original
intend was to maintain full compatibility with Ruby via ActiveRecord.
On the other hand, check out which offers full
interoperability in any Ruby (original, JRuby, or IronRuby) with
built-in high-performance.

Currently, I’m using the AR semantics in database.yml to specify the
connection, and then constructing appropriate JDBC connection strings
using that.

Would like to be able to have AR style prepared statements, but I never
expected that so not that worried about it.

Will check out TUDBC.


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