Prefix issue unresolved

I’ve looked over the list archives and there is something that I cannot
seem to get correct and I am hoping someone here can help.

Here is my setup. I have to provide access on this server for other
things such as php and some static files so I am running a mongrel
instance on 8000 and serving up my radiant app under the subdirectory of
/lab as:

mongrel_rails start -e production -p 8000 --prefix=/lab

I am running the site under a VirtualHost in apache as:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyPass /media !
ProxyPass /style !

Alias /media /var/www/html/media
Alias /style /var/www/html/style

ProxyPass /lab http://localhost:8000/lab
ProxyPassReverse /lab http:://localhost:8000/lab

I have also added to environment.rb the

ActionController::AbstractRequest.relative_url_root = “/lab”

The admin interface does honor the “/lab” prefix for links within the
page (e.g., children of the main page etc) but not the top tabs (and I
can live with that for the time being). However, my problem is that the
internal tags such as:

 <r:children:each order="ASC" name="title">
   <p><r:link /></p>

None of the links have the “/lab/” prefix on the path. Any ideas on how
I can figure this out?



Rodney J. Dyer, PhD
Department of Biology
Virginia Commonwealth University

OK, let me answer myself. Can we get patch danielegozzi patch in Ticket
#512 into svn? I had thought that this would have been already in.
Once these changes are made, it works sound as a pound…

Sorry for the bandwidth.

Rodney J. Dyer, PhD
Department of Biology
Virginia Commonwealth University