Pre-Announcement: GSoC 2013

DISCLAIMER: We are not yet looking for students to do projects!

Hi everyone,

Google has not yet officially announced a GSoC for this year, but the
melange website already has some hints, and other FLOSS projects are
starting to collect ideas.

At this point, I would like to ask potential mentors to raise their
hands and start our own idea list.

The GNU Radio GSoC page is still here:

…and has been modified to make space for 2013-projects.


The first big part of this is a list of decent projects. Anyone can
contribute to this list without automatically signing up for anything.

So, I’d appreciate anyone starting to think about what would make a nice
project. Such a project should

  • be possible in the GSoC timeframe (~3 months) and
  • advance the GNU Radio project in some way.

Of course, it should also concur with Google’s own rules and
requirements (check our wiki page and the GSoC FAQ from last year).

In 2012, we had lots of ideas that never made it into GSoC projects.
Perhaps they’re still valid, and could therefore be suggested again. All
the old ideas have been left on the page as an inspiration.

At this point, all ideas are welcome, but the more specific and fleshed
out projects are, the more likely are that they will finally be

So, let’s brainstorm!


I’m looking at YOU right now! Have you considered becoming a mentor for
the 2013 GSoC? You probably should.

Mentoring is a great way to do something good and advance the GNU Radio
project without actually having to do the hard work :slight_smile:
Perhaps you have some expertise you’d like to bring into the project, or
you just like tutoring students–in any case, mentoring might be
something you’d enjoy.

Put briefly, a mentor supervises a student’s work during the GSoC
duration and grades the work (one evaluation at mid-term and one at the
Google has put up a great mentoring manual, which gives some insight
into what mentoring means:

Speaking out of personal experience, I mentored the filter design
project last year. It was great fun, working across continents was not a
problem and the actual time spent wasn’t too extreme.
I’ll be happy to answer questions about mentoring on this list (if
they’re not covered in Google’s FAQs etc.)


PS: If you’re a student looking to do a project, that’s great–you can
(and should) also post ideas. However, please don’t contact us yet
(on- or off-list) about specific projects. GSoC has a its own rules
about how this works, and we can’t promise anything, anyway.

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Communications Engineering Lab (CEL)

Dipl.-Ing. Martin B.
Research Associate

Kaiserstraße 12
Building 05.01
76131 Karlsruhe

Phone: +49 721 608-43790
Fax: +49 721 608-46071

KIT – University of the State of Baden-Württemberg and
National Laboratory of the Helmholtz Association