I encountered the directive postpone_gzipping but i couldnt find an
explanation in the documentation although i found the directive in the
source code of nginx, how is that directive different from
Posted at Nginx Forum:
I encountered the directive postpone_gzipping but i couldnt find an
explanation in the documentation although i found the directive in the
source code of nginx, how is that directive different from
Posted at Nginx Forum:
On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 06:47:01AM -0400, husseingalal wrote:
I encountered the directive postpone_gzipping but i couldnt find an
explanation in the documentation although i found the directive in the
source code of nginx, how is that directive different from gzip_min_length?
The original idea is to save CPU cycles by avoiding small
deflate() operations, and buffering up to specified amount of data
before calling deflate() instead. It’s and old experiment and
believed to have bugs, don’t use it unless you are ready to dig
into the code.
Maxim D.
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