POSTing in :admin namespace

I have a RESTful :admin namespace which works fine except for UPDATE
and CREATE actions for the controllers in the :admin space. I am sure
it is a namespace/routing issue and have looked through a bunch of
posts but cannot find my error. In my Edit action I am getting:

The error occurred while evaluating nil.to_sym

in my Edit view for the line:

<% form_for(@user) do |f| %>

when I change this line to:

<% form_for([:admin, @user]) do |f| %>

I get:

undefined method `admin_admin_users_path’ for #<ActionView::Base:

if I use:

<% form_for :user, @user do |f| %>
<% form_for :user, @user, :url => admin_user_path( do |f| %>

I get:

Unknown action
No action responded to 3

…what is wrong?!

My routes.rb:

map.resources :posts
map.resources :consignments

map.namespace :admin do |admin|
admin.resources :posts
admin.resources :consignments
admin.resources :users

map.connect ‘:controller/:action/:id’
map.connect ‘:controller/:action/:id.:format’

My Admin::UsersController edit action:

def edit
@user = Admin::Users.find(params[:id])
@page_title = @user.full_name
render :layout => ‘admin/default’

Greg Oleksiak

Maybe a little quick tutorial on Admin Namespaces would be helpful.
I’m in the planning stages of an application right now and would
really like to add in an administration panel. Explain to me how to
do this the best way from ground up. Maybe this will help our
original poster.

On Jun 8, 8:31 am, “Ryan B. (Radar)” [email protected]

Why is your model called Users and not User? Also, what is the purpose
namespacing this model? Models need not be namespaced, because there
be no difference between the namespaces.

On Sun, Jun 8, 2008 at 10:15 AM, goleksiak [email protected]

<% form_for(@user) do |f| %>
if I use:
…what is wrong?!
admin.resources :consignments
def edit

Appreciated my help?
Recommend me on Working With Rails

Thanks Ryan. That cleared up my problems! I’m getting used to REST and
assumed that the resource generate script would be reliable for
models. Eddie, if your are on 2.0, I would still recommend using the
generate scripts (script generate admin/user) but be careful as they
are a very rough tool.


On Jun 8, 8:31 am, “Ryan B. (Radar)” [email protected]