Dear Colleagues,
The following postdoctoral position at the University of Utah is now
open, and we are accepting applications.
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Sensing
and Processing Across Networks (SPAN) Lab at the University of Utah
( invites applications for an open
postdoctoral fellow position for research in radio tomography, a
research area at the intersection of statistical signal processing,
radio wave propagation, and wireless networking. The SPAN lab, led by
Prof. Neal Patwari, has significant expertise in radio channel signal
processing for location estimation in wireless networks, including the
2008 ACM MobiCom Best Student Research Demo Award, a 2009 IEEE Signal
Processing Magazine Best Paper Award, and significant popular press,
including articles in MIT Technology Review, ScienceNOW, CNET,
Engadget, Wired, Discover, Der Speigel, and The Economist. The SPAN
lab is at the forefront of the area of device-free localization,
having published six journal papers and three conference papers on the
topic in the past three years. We have also developed methods to use
wireless networks for breathing monitoring. This postdoctoral position
would expand the state-of-the-art in the capability of wireless
networks to learn about the positions and context of people in an
environment, for both emergency situations, and for everyday
About the Position:
The postdoctoral fellow position would start as soon as November,
2011, or as late as January, 2012, and would last from one to two
years, based on research performance.
The candidate must have a strong publication record including a
history of presenting / publishing in the top conferences and
journals. We are looking for a candidate with:
- A Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering or Computer Science.
- A strong background in statistical signal processing and/or
wireless networking.
Other skills that would benefit a candidate include: experimental
experience, understanding of radio wave propagation, and leadership or
mentoring experience.
About the University of Utah:
The University of Utah is located in Salt Lake City, Utah, which is
unique for the outdoor activities available within a short drive of a
major city. There are seven ski resorts within a 45 minute drive, six
US national parks within the state borders, and many other public
lands, including national forests accessible within minutes of Salt
The University of Utah is well known for its research and
entrepreneurial success. The U. of Utah is ranked 1st in the nation
for creating new startup companies from research-based inventions, by
the Association of University Technology Managers. More than 100 local
companies have been founded by engineering graduates and faculty. In
the last fiscal year, the University of Utah received $451 million in
federal research funding, twice what it was six years ago. The
University is particularly known for sensor network research, and has
put significant resources into an cross-disciplinary group of faculty
and facilities.
To Apply:
Application materials include (1) CV, (2) Link to homepage where most
significant publications are available, and (3) contact information
for three references. Send materials via email to Prof. Neal Patwari,
npatwari at ece dot utah dot edu, with the subject, Postdoc
Prof. Neal Patwari
University of Utah
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Director, Sensing and Processing Across Networks (SPAN) Lab