I’m receiving a multipart post request from another server. The
request parameters are being received as StringIOs, rather than plain
strings. For instance :
Processing MessagesController#receive (for at 2006-05-24
10:36:53) [POST]
Session ID: eedafb24033be0714f8133f02810083f
Parameters: {“message”=>#StringIO:0xb7503358, “date”=>#<StringIO:
0xb7501f30>, “from”=>#StringIO:0xb7502944, “type”=>#<StringIO:
0xb7503d6c>, “action”=>“receive”, “id”=>#StringIO:0xb750151c,
“to”=>#StringIO:0xb75047bc, “controller”=>“messages”}
If I try to get the actual parameter with (for instance) params
[:message].read, it works as expected…but surely this shouldn’t be
Any idea why this is happening? I’m out of ideas…any help would be
massively appreciated.