i have a problem with post_action on nginx.conf.
And sorry for my bad English
User come to my page an start a download.
Now i have add the post_action and add the download_end.php
in the download_end.php i will count the download stats (write into
That work very beautifully without any error.
The problem is now, when the user cancel the download
download_end.php will execute, but thats false!
Only when the download is realy completed, than i will open
but NOT when the user canceled the download!
Are there any tricks?
Thank you for your help
location /files/ {
alias /home/files/;
post_action /download-stop;
location /download-stop {
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME
fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING file_id=$file_id; //thats ok!
fastcgi_param REMOTE_ADDR $remote_addr;