On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 10:34 AM, Lex W. [email protected] wrote:
I recently tried to learn to use Marshal with a simple script , but I
keep getting the following exception : x.rb:6:in `load’: marshal data
too short (ArgumentError)
This is the script :
hsh = {:first => [1,2,3],:second => [4,5,6] }
This line is actually the problem from what I can tell.
Try instead:
File.open(“saved.m”, “w”){|f| f.puts(Marshal.dump(hsh)) }
str = (File.open(“saved.m”).read)
This works, but is more readable as.
str = File.read(“saved.m”)
hix = Marshal.load(str) # this appears to be the problem line
hix.each_key do |key|
puts “key : #{key}”
could anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong ?
Assuming the problem is in the “hard” part of the program.
When you have a short snippet like this, running the code line-by-line
in irb is often very helpful, since you can see the return values for
each statement and quickly inspect your variables. At least, that’s
what works for me.