Can I specify where my Application starts on the screen?
Like at x:5 px and y:10 px?
Can I specify where my Application starts on the screen?
Like at x:5 px and y:10 px?
2011/10/11 Marc H. [email protected]:
Can I specify where my Application starts on the screen?
Like at x:5 px and y:10 px?
Try Gtk::Window#move(5, 10)
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Vincent C.
also check out Gtk::Window#gravity=, which changes where the points
specified in Gtk::Window#move are relative to… for example:
is a Gtk::Window)
win.gravity= Gdk::Window::GRAVITY_SOUTH_EAST
win.move(5, 10)
win.gravity= Gdk::Window::GRAVITY_SOUTH_WEST
win.move(2, Gdk.screen_height - (win.height_request + 2))
Thank you both a lot!
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