Populate data in another fields on selection

I would like to know how to populate data in another text fields on
selection from a drop down

For Ex

  1. The form contains 4 fields out of which 3 are text fields and the 4th
    one is
    drop down list.
  2. i would like to know how to populate the 3 text fields with data
    on selection from the drop down list.

Please Help.

Koli K. wrote:

I would like to know how to populate data in another text fields on
selection from a drop down

For Ex

  1. The form contains 4 fields out of which 3 are text fields and the 4th
    one is
    drop down list.
  2. i would like to know how to populate the 3 text fields with data
    on selection from the drop down list.

Please Help.

Try using observe_field!

In yr view file add this

In View:

<%= observe_field ‘field_id’,
:url => url_for({:controller=>
:method => :post,
:with => ‘field_id’ %>

In Controller

def some_method_in_controller
some code to find the objects to be populated in the text fields.

page.replace_html ‘div_id1’, text_field_tag(‘text_field_id_1’,@object)
page.replace_html ‘div_id2’, text_field_tag(‘text_field_id_2’,@object)
page.replace_html ‘div_id3’, text_field_tag(‘text_field_id_3’,@object)


def some_method_in_controller
some code to find the objects to be populated in the text fields.

page.replace_html ‘div_id1’, text_field_tag(‘text_field_id_1’,@object)
page.replace_html ‘div_id2’, text_field_tag(‘text_field_id_2’,@object)
page.replace_html ‘div_id3’, text_field_tag(‘text_field_id_3’,@object)


This didn’t work though can u be more descriptive??

Ratnavel S. wrote:

wat does it show in development log…?

can u paste the error log…

i have 2 tables entries and problems which is associated with each

The drop down list is poulated with one of the fields of the problems
i’m able to that corresponding id into the entries table.

i have 3 other text fields which shoould be populated with the
of the id that i have selected from the drop down
This is the part that i’m not able to do.

MY view:
<%= error_messages_for ‘entry’ %>
<% @cats = Problem.find_all %>

Nature of the problem

<% @cats.each do |cat| %> > <%= cat.natureofproblem %> <%end%> TEXT FIELD1 TEXT FIELD2

How to populate these text field with the id info that i have from
select dropdown.

wat does it show in development log…?

can u paste the error log…

Koli K. wrote:

Ratnavel S. wrote:

wat does it show in development log…?

can u paste the error log…
cat| %>
<option value=<%=cat.id%> > <%=
cat.natureofproblem %>


How to populate these text field with the id info that i have from
select dropdown.

where do i do the page.replace_html>

can u show me a example>>