I have a column of data with repeated as mentioned below.
I need to populate this column in a combo box without repeated data as
mentioned below
combo box
I tried as
<%= collection_select(:column_name, TableName.all)%>
“table_names” is a table and “column_name” is a column needed to
With Regards
Palani Kannan. K
a. Get your DB Access out of the views…
b. Read The Fine Manual on collection_select
c. Controller:
@vendors = TableName.find(:all).uniq or some variant thereof
With a lot of records, you might want to use a find_by_sql and let the
DB do the work with a “SELECT DISTINCT…”
d. View:
<%= collection_select(“model_to_populate”, “column_to_populate”,
@vendors, “id”, “vendor_name_field”) %>
Hi, Ar Chron,
It works… Thank you for kind help. But, I am unable to use params[:id]
get the selected value from collection_select. how i can get selected
to params.
I need the flow
collection_select (value selected) → param[:id]-> find SQL row…
On 8 September 2010 17:51, Ar Chron [email protected] wrote:
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With Regards
Palani Kannan. K
Office: +49-531-2616-226
Mobile: +4917647098166
PalaniKannan K wrote:
But, I am unable to use params[:id] to get the selected value
from collection_select. how i can get selected value to params.
I need the flow
collection_select (value selected) -> param[:id]-> find SQL row…
The selected value is in params already, just not where you’re looking.
Take a look in your log at the post request that rails receives when you
submit the form… this information is all readily available there.
You should see something like:
Parameters: {“utf8”=>“blah1”, “authenticity_token”=>“blah2”,
“commit”=>“blah4”, “id”=>“blah5”}
In your controller code,
params[:id] is the id of the ‘model_to_populate’ (blah5)
params[:model_to_populate][:column_to_populate] is the value stored by
the collection_select statement in the view (blah3)
Parsing through and understanding your log files is something everyone
should be comfortable with. It’s usually the first stop in performing
triage on unexpected behaviors.
Its populated… Thank you verymuch…
On 9 September 2010 16:39, Ar Chron [email protected] wrote:
Take a look in your log at the post request that rails receives when you
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With Regards
Palani Kannan. K
Office: +49-531-2616-226
Mobile: +4917647098166