Popen3 + bash surprise

It was surprising when the following code froze:

require ‘open3’
i, o, e = Open3::popen3(’/bin/bash’)
c = o.getc
puts c.chr # expecting the first character of my bash prompt

On Tue, 9 Jan 2007, Aleksandr L. wrote:

It was surprising when the following code froze:

require ‘open3’
i, o, e = Open3::popen3(‘/bin/bash’)
c = o.getc
puts c.chr # expecting the first character of my bash prompt

man bash: it behaves differently depending on whether it’s a login shell
not and whether connected to a tty or not. you may want to try out my

harp:~ > cat a.rb
require ‘rubygems’ # gem install session -
require ‘session’

bash = Session::Bash.new

stdout, stderr = bash.execute ‘export a=42’

stdout, stderr = bash.execute ‘echo $a’
puts stdout

bash.execute ‘date’, :stdout => STDOUT

harp:~ > ruby a.rb
Tue Jan 9 08:00:47 MST 2007

