I’m struggling with the Polyphase Channelizer Block when using a large
number of channels in gnuradio-companion.
In my application I would like to separate out 440 x 48kHz channels
spanning 7MHz to 28MHz. Of these only 4 will be of interest to me
(around the 7,10,14 and 28MHz amateur bands). From my readings, the
Polyphase Channelizer would appear to be a reasonable starting point in
terms of processing overhead but I’m not ruling out other methods.
I have looked at:
PFB Channelizers and Synthesizers — Rondeau Research.
The fm_channelizer.grc script works well and the CPU load looked
reasonable. The example script, fm_channelize_and_view.grc, looks to be
the basis for what I want to do. But from other posts and my own
experience the busports implementation seems broken.
The problem I am facing is how to handle 440 source ports of the
Polyphase Channelizer Block using gnuradio-companion. i.e. there are
too many to be displayed/manipulated within the GUI. I am not
experienced with the innerworkings of gnuradio but my current thinking
is to use the first four channel sources of the Polyphase Channelizer
Block to complete my flow-graph in gnuradio-companion. Then look for
those references in the .grc file and substitute the correct channels
with a text editor. What’s scaring me off is terminating the 436
channels I don’t want with nul sinks!
Any suggestions?
Terry Koziniec
School of Engineering and Information Technology
Murdoch University